Sex and the City turned 20 on June 6th and even though it went off the air in 2004, it's still funny, relevant, and has a hell of a good cast. I feel it's only appropriate to go through the characters and really just reminisce. In doing this I have compiled a list of the best and the worst.
1. Steve Brady
He was so funny, he got Miranda to RELAX, and he is just an overall great guy in the show, especially when it seemed like all of the ladies only ever dated less than stellar guys. I know he cheated on Miranda in the movie but let's move past it.
2. Carrie Bradshaw
My absolute queen. She was self-confident, unapologetic and so incredibly stylish. One thing that will never make sense is how she lived the life she did, only writing a column (until she got her gig at Vogue of course).
3. Charlotte York
In a friendship group full of women who are majorly cynical about love, Charlotte is a bright light of positivity. She dresses cute, she's positive, she has a cool job, AND she is adored by her precious husband Harry Goldenblatt. In a world where everyone wants to be Carrie, I low key want to be Charlotte
5. Mr. Big
I know this is a highly controversial and dividing conversation to start up but I LOVE John James Preston. What a treat. Some people think that Carrie and Aiden were perfect but that is just because Aiden was perfect —Carrie was not good enough for him! Big and Carrie balance each other out and they both are able to deal with the others fear of commitment.
6. Aleksandr Petrovsky
"The Russian." HOW Carrie dated him for so long actually blows my mind. He is rude, arrogant and LET US NOT FORGET THAT HE HITS CARRIE. Goodbye.
7. Bunny
Trey's mom was the WORST. How Charlotte didn't lose her mind sooner is beyond me.
8. Carrie Bradshaw
She is the best but also the worst. If she just handled some of her situations like an actual adult, she would have had so many fewer problems. Obviously, her misfortunes with men are what the show was built on, but there was little too much of "woe is me".
10. Miranda Hobbs
I am sorry but could she be any more negative? I get that someone has to be a realist in the group but COME ON. You know when you look at someone and you just know that you would never get along with them? That is how I feel about Miranda.
I can't believe that Sex and the City aired 20 years ago this year. It is wild how time goes on but the issues addressed on this hilarious show are still relevant today. Everyone's got their opinions on the whole Mr. Big VS Aiden debate, what's yours?