If you're like me, coffee is a necessity. I can't go a day without having at least one cup, and even that's not enough sometimes. My friends and family have tried to cure my addiction, but its no use. I've accepted it and learned to live with it.
Here are the signs that you might have a coffee addiction like me!
1. You have a cup within 10 minutes of waking up.
2. You get a massive headache if you don't get your daily fix.
3. You've shown up to work late because you got Starbucks on the way.
4. Your friends notice your addiction and comment on it constantly.
5. A grande isn't big enough anymore.
6. You get irrationally excited about new Starbucks drinks.
7. You're constantly thinking about when you can your next latte.
8. Nothing is worse than the sight of an empty coffee cup.
9. You are forever in debt to your friends when they show up with coffee for you.
10. What the hell does "decaf" mean?
11. People who can survive without coffee are dead to you.
12. You're sipping on a Starbucks drink as you read this.
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