The first time I can remember feeling uncomfortable with a comment made about my body by a stranger, I was 13 years old. I'm now 20 years old and far too familiar with the world of catcalling. On an uncomfortably regular basis, strangers take it upon themselves to tell me how I "make them feel/think." About seven weeks ago, an older man approached me at a gas station. Expecting the usual "you have beautiful eyes" (to which my automated response has become "Thank you, I know."), or occasional " are you single?" (which grants the sassy "I'm not interested."), I braced myself for whatever remark came out from this guy's mouth. However, when he proceeded to tell me that I am the type of woman who "provokes sinful thoughts," I really couldn't help myself from staring at him with my mouth agape. Shocked, I let out an uncomfortable chuckle and managed the words "excuse me?" He continued to let me know how my thicker-than-average hips and thighs paired with my long body is what makes me sexy. Without another word I finished closing my gas tank, climbed in my car, and drove home. I decided then that I would keep track of the things said to me by strangers regarding my physical appearance, a response to my social media posts or anything inappropriate for a conversation starter. This article is a sample of seven weeks in my body.
"Hey baby, you single?"
"You're built like a grown a** woman."
" Smile, baby."
"You got an a** from heaven, sugar."
"Hey sweetie, you looking for a real man?"
"Damn baby."
*Uncomfortable wink*
"You gotta keep the water hot and the pressure hard."
"I'll wait for those thighs to save my life."
"HEY! OVER HERE BABY!!!" (across three lanes of traffic)
"Smile, princess. You look better when you smile."
"You got nice legs. Real long. Bet they wrap around a man well."
"You sexy as hell. You single?"
"Oh, you like girls too? Even better."
*Whistle from across the street*
"Where'd you get that a** from?"
"You single, sweetheart?"
"Damn, you're fine as hell."
"You got a nice set of breasts."
"Wow. You sexy as hell."
"Walk that ass over here, mama."
Now, if you're thinking "there's no way somebody actually said some of those things," you're wrong. If you think that this isn't what women actually have to deal with on a regular basis, you're wrong. If you don't see anything wrong with those comments, you're wrong. I'm tired of other people seeing my body and feeling like they have the right to comment on it. As a woman, I'm exhausted from being sexualized without my permission. In seven weeks, I realized how many strangers used my existence for some sort of excitement that I didn't give the okay for. In seven weeks, I learned how little respect other people have for a stranger's body.
So, I'm calling every single last one of you out. You think it's cute or endearing to catcall a woman? You're wrong. And I'm over it. Enough is enough.