Your first week in college, whether you are a freshman or upper class-men, can be extremely stressful. In just that first week, you start collecting syllabus after syllabus. The stress kicks in harder after spending so much money on expensive books and supplies for each class. Not only that, but you feel like you have been in the library for hours working on homework and planning out a schedule to start studying for upcoming quizzes and tests.
Look, it is very easy to stress yourself out in just the first week. Trust me I know! I am going into my third year in college and I still struggle trying to get my stuff together. But, I did my own research on how to relieve some of my stress during the school days. Pick certain times during your day to step back and relax for a short period of time before getting back to school work. This helps with not overworking yourself. If you overwork yourself, you will just end up stressing out your mind and this essentially does not help you focus on getting your work done.
There are tons of ways to reduce the level of anxiety and stress from classes. Here are several different techniques I use to help relax my mind before tackling another school related task.
1. 7-Minute Workout
Sometimes in college we are all too busy or lazy to take the time to go workout at the gym. I do go to the gym several times during the week because it gets me out of my room (which is usually my studying space). It's good to give your brain some relaxing time and why not relax and relieve some of your stress at the gym.
Even if you don't have time to go to the gym a certain day, "The 7-Minute Workout" app is a simple and effective way to get fit. Also, it is very easy to implement these workouts into your busy school days. This app gives you step-by-step instructions and guidance through high-intensity workouts. It shows you videos on how to do the exercise, which I found very helpful. Exercise is known to be a great stress-reliever.
2. Headspace
3. 20-Minute Nap
4. Watch Your Favorite T.V. Show
Kick back and relax by watching one of your favorite T.V. shows. "Friends" is one of my favorite T.V. show's. This show is absolutely hilarious and it always puts a smile on my face.
5. Hang Out With Friends
Catch up with friends! Maybe even work on homework together at the library or a local Starbucks. Create memories throughout your college years. Yes, always make school your first priority. But, you want to look back on your college years and say you truly lived it and had the best time.
6. Catch Up On A Good Book
I love to relax and read a good book. I always feel like I become part of the book and just for a little while, I forget about all my issues and personal struggles. It feels great to not think about all the stuff I have to do, just for a little while.
7. Listen And Jam Out To Music
One of the best things in the world is MUSIC. I love to jam out and listen to my favorite bands and artists. Music has always made me feel so great and happy, even if I am having a stressful day. Music, for me, really helps with my own stress. One of the best music sites is Spotify. It's like Pandora, but better! It is completely free and you can also download it as an app. You can create your own playlists or even follow playlists created by other people. Spotify's "Browse" section has countless amounts of playlist, new releases, and even playlists depending on your mood.
These are just a few ways I relieve my own day to day stress. College is hard and stressful, but with these tools you will feel less stressed this fall semester!