There have been times in my life where I was down and out about everything. I constantly let the smallest things bother me and I hardly did anything about it to change my perspective on how I perceived my thoughts and actions. It can be hard to make a change in your life especially when you are the one who is mainly impacted by it. Author Marianne Williamson said "you must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be." This quote inspired me to think about the change I want to see in myself and to follow these tips:
1. Rely on your own happiness.
Although it is important to surround yourself with people who make you happy, it is also just as important for your happiness to be genuine and truly the way you feel. The only person that can make you 100 percent happy is yourself. Don’t rely on other people to make you jubilant all the time. Do what is best for you. Even if you are an extrovert (like me), take time away from what other people are doing and focus on something that you love to do…even if your friends don't like it! So what? If you are excited or passionate about something, take it upon yourself. It could be as simple as going on a bike ride, reading a good book, or watching one of your old favorite shows on Netflix. Either way, take time out of your day to do something you truly enjoy.
2. Don’t over-think things
Sometimes things happen in our lives that do not go the way we planned. We all mess up, everyone does it. Whether you got in a fight with your friends, failed a test, stressed about school or work, or are nervous or anxious about something, don’t let it get you down! There’s no reason to beat yourself up for events that have happened in the past or things that you can’t control. It is better to learn from an experience rather than constantly let it dwell on you. Take every tough outcome and turn it into a positive experience.
3. Stop comparing your life to others.
It may seem like your friends have it together on the outside, but on the inside you have no idea what their journey is about. It is easy to make assumptions about people who seem like they have it all together, and you wish you could be just as great as they are. But why live the life of someone else? No one is as truly glamorous as they seem to be. No one has it easy. Everything life has to offer isn’t just handed to us. It is crafted around the opportunities we make out of it. So live your life the way you want it and make the most out of it.
4. Give it time.
Life may not seem like its going the way you had imagined now, but it's important to remember one of life's best characteristics…it goes on! Nothing is forever and it’s never too late to switch things around. You may be at a stage of your life where you feel down and out, but give yourself time to reflect and think about situations and everything will soon fall into place.
5. Worry less about what other people think of you.
We all face criticism in our lives. We have all been there before. What will people think of me if I do this? How will others react to what I have to say? We live in a world where we are constantly reminded of everything we do and how it affects the way people think of things. So take a minute to stop thinking about how others view you and start feeling good about the choices you decide to make. You don’t need someone else’s approval to feel good about yourself. Have confidence and go fourth.
6. Set goals for yourself.
It is impossible to change for the better without realizing what you want to change. Turn your cant’s into cans! Think about what you want to improve on while also thinking of everything you have already made progress in. Make a list of pros and cons, or set goals you hope to accomplish by the end of the week. It can be as simple as getting up a little earlier or running that extra mile. Just set your mind to it and you can do anything.
7. Enjoy the present.
We have all heard the saying “time doesn’t wait for no one.” Living in a world that is so busy and fast-paced, we often let time pass us by. We think that we have all the time in the world and are always looking forward to the future that we fail to see the good in our lives that is right in front of us. Every single day is important because you are exchanging your life for it. Where does the time go? Slow down and enjoy life as it is meant to be lived. Stop waiting until the day is over, until Friday, until summer, etc. Take time to stop and smell the flowers, eat that extra piece of pizza, buy the shoes, go out, dye your hair, listen to your music as loud as you can, get in trouble, and do things you're not supposed to do, and so much more because there is no other time like the present.