I love playing video games, I see myself as a little bit of a gamer. I've played The Sims, Far Cry 3, parts of Fallout 3, Stardew Valley, Overwatch, many Call of Duty games, and a lot of Wii games. All of these games have one thing in common, I suck at them! No matter how many times I listen to the tutorials, watch playthroughs or read all cheats, I still can't make it through one level without dying many times over, which isn't really fun if you go by the sibling rule, if you die you have to give it to the next person. Here are a couple of things I learn and know about being bad at games.
1) You Talk Skill All you Want But You Have None
What's the best weapon to use in CoD? I don't I can't even hit anyone so the dog I guess at least they can actually do something.
2) People Love To Yell At You
What do you mean I killed my team? I didn't ask for the team life, the team life grabbed me and said worked together!!
3) Move the Trigger, You Can't See
Really helpful when you are on those stealth missions and you need to be able to see where the bad guys are. You only die about a billion times.
4) Forget the Boss, you're still stuck with the Mini Boss
They say one hit will kill him! Well, he's killed me a lot!!!
5) Quick Time Events
6) Creating Your Own Characters
7) Scary Games
NO! You want me to try and get out of a house, not get killed by the Crazy Neighbor Dude and keep my eyes on screen?!!?? NO!
So there you have it, seven things you may understand if you suck at video games.