7 Things My Dad Subconsciously Taught Me | The Odyssey Online
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7 Things My Dad Subconsciously Taught Me

Thanks for everything, Dad

7 Things My Dad Subconsciously Taught Me
Malorie Iovino

My dad is a pretty great guy, and he has taught me so much throughout my life without even realizing it. His naturally hard-working, funny, and outgoing personality attracts love from everyone who encounters him.

1. Sometimes making others happy is the best way to make yourself happy

My dad goes above and beyond in any situation where one relies on him. I find myself doing things for others often, because seeing the faces of people that are important to me light up when I spontaneously get them something, even as little as a coffee, makes my whole day. He’s taught me that it’s important to make others happy as well as yourself because generosity is a super great quality that I’m so glad to share with my dad.

2. Never trust anything before checking

As little as this is, I’m glad I’ve picked it up. Thanks to his very subtle protective personality, I try my best to keep myself as private as I possibly can on social media, and I take into account that the internet is a scary place. Even the tiniest things I’ve picked up such as checking a mug before I drink out of, and I examine silverware before I use it, just because that’s what I’ve seen him do. I appreciate picking up this quality because I know it’s in my best interest.

3. Hard work truly does pay off

My dad is one of the hardest working people I know; he works hours on end to the point where there used to be nights that I would go to sleep and wake up and he was there. Sometimes I’ll be up at 1:00 AM on a weekend, and so will he, working. He has shown me that with hard work and diligence there’s always a good outcome and it’s worth it in the end.

4. It's okay to take time to have fun every so often

From coming home with remote control airplanes to fly around till he gets it under control, to finding some of his childhood toys on the depths and Ebay and giving into nostalgia and buying it, my dad is a kid at heart. He is always pushing me to go play softball with him, or calling me over to show me a new toy or gadget of his. The line “this one’s so cool ready watch” never really has the same effect on me as it does on him, but I’m so glad he still takes time to preserve his childhood, and I hope he can live vicariously through me with satisfaction.

5. Sometimes you need to pull some strings, and there are always strings

I'm not completely sure how my dad manages to do what he does when it comes to compromising and negotiating sometimes. He’s charismatic, but he can get a deal anywhere from a bagel shop to IKEA. On multiple occasions before buying something from a particular store, I’ll get the famous line, “Tell him you’re Joe’s daughter.” And yes, it works. It could be his charismatic nature, or maybe he’s just extremely intelligent and sly, whichever it is, he’s taught me that there are always loopholes and loopholes are made to be taken advantage of.

6. Never be afraid to try new things

Throughout my life I’ve seen him try new things, attempt to pick up new hobbies, go to outings with strangers (those of which he comes home with at least 10 new friends), and reach out of his comfort zone. Being the people – pleaser he is, I’ve seen him try to pick up art for my mom (an artist), and he’s super supportive of her artwork and the process of publicizing and selling it. Recently, he went to a golf outing with parents of girls on my softball team whom neither me nor him have ever met, which I undoubtedly wouldn’t be able to do. He is such a people-pleaser that he’s willing to branch out of his comfort zone to be able to accommodate to others.

7. Smile more

My dad is definitely the most charismatic person I know. He happens to either know someone or end up meeting someone everywhere we go. He has connections with every place and every website and it absolutely blows my mind how everyone automatically loves him. He lights up every room he walks in and his squinty smile is so contagious. He can’t go anywhere new without making friends, and I admire that a lot; I believe that it’s because he looks so friendly and warm, attracting everyone he comes into contact with. Everyone he meets loves him and rightfully so.

My dad is really very admirable and he’s truly someone who focuses on his values. Though we may not necessarily see eye to eye on everything, I know he has nothing but good intentions.

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