Life is full of lessons, this is one thing I have found to be true over the years. Some lessons are easy, some are very hard lessons to learn. However, I think there is so much value from difficult life lessons, that I wouldn't change a single thing. Here are some things that I had to learn the hard way...
1. Procrastination is deadly
As someone who enjoys socializing and binge watching Netflix, I have procrastinated until the very last second. However, that is something I have learned DOES NOT WORK. You just end up sleep depriving yourself and regretting every episode you watched.
2. Family is so important
In moments when you feel that there's nobody that cares for you, it's important to remember that your family does. Over the years, I have learned how important it is to create close relationships with members of my family. Family is the only thing that you know will be in your life always, and they will love you for who you are. I've been guilty of not spending enough time with my family and I have regretted it in the end. I now realize the importance of those everlasting bonds.
3. You can't control every aspect of your life
This is a lesson that really was hard for me to learn. Due to negative experiences happening in my life, I have tried to control every aspect of my life. I created these expectations for everything, and when things didn't live up to those expectations, I found myself extremely disappointed. I lost a lot of happiness and it lead me to feel like I lost even more control of my life. When I finally let go of that need to control, my life changed completely. With no expectations, the best things can happen to you, and you end up finding a lot more happiness within your own life.
4. Never take an 8am
Just trust me on this one. It's not a good idea, and you will love yourself more if you never have to take one.
5. Being passive aggressive will get you no where
Being angry at someone and not expressing why to them, will NOT solve your problem. It only makes people feel insecure and upset because there is no moving towards a solution. Having an open, honest, conversation with one another will get you so much closer to a resolution.
6. Forgiveness is so worth it
This is something that I have really had to learn the hard way. There was a time in my life that I was unforgiving and I ended up with a lot of hate in my heart. That anger and hate was like a black cloud over my head and it stoped me from living my life to the fullest. When you choose to forgive, you are choosing to free yourself from that negativity in your life.
7. People come and go
This lesson is one I continue to struggle with. I have come to a point in my life where I have experienced a great deal of loss. Sometimes it's from people choosing to leave my life, other times it's me cutting out toxicity. But letting go of people, is one of the hardest things you can do. I struggled immensely with losing people, making this a lesson I really did have to learn the hard way. But accepting that people have their own freedom to be in your life, is something I have come to terms with. Know that these people were in your life for a reason, but they may not be involved with your future.
While these lessons can be found within many people, these are the one's I've found to be the most difficult to learn. I've been told before "Why do you always have to do things the hard way?" and I always like to challenge that. I think that through all these difficult life lessons, we are given the opportunity to grow and make an impact in our own lives. I feel grateful that I have personal experience with overcoming difficult situations. It will only make you stronger and wiser, and help you experience the world through a different lens.