F*ckboys, f*ckboys, f*ckboys. "What on earth is even the appeal of a f*ckboy?" You may wonder to yourself as you witness that really drunk girl in the bathroom of a bar at 2:30 a.m. ruining her mascara over some loser that didn’t text her back. “Ugh, screw that guy. Move on. He hasn’t texted you once after you guys hooked up, which was weeks ago, btw. He’s such a f*ckboy. You can do so much better,” you hear another drunk girl say consolingly. “But you don’t get it, we had a connection! He told me I was special before we hooked up! What went wrong?! Why is he like this?!” the drunk girl cries out to the entire bathroom. Shortly after this sad scene, you’ll witness her get a text from the f*ckboy to meet at his place at around 4 a.m. “See, I knew he cared,” she says with a smile on her face. And the toxic f*ckboy cycle continues.
You see, not all guys are f*ckboys like the one described above, but a lot of them are. Due to the prevalence and increase in hookup culture over the past several years, there has been a dramatic decrease in the desire for relationships and an increase in confusing and sometimes meaningless hookups. Thus, the number of f*ckboys has exploded. F*ckboys are appealing because they will manipulate you into thinking that they care about you for a given amount of time. They will tell you that they’re different from their counterparts that immerse themselves in hookup culture. Not true. After they get what they want, they will cut you off after a certain amount of time. You get upset, you wonder what went wrong. Then, as you’re finally moving on, the said f*ckboy will text you to meet up. You will get happy. You will think he cares. Newsflash, he could care less. He only wants two things: sex and an ego boost. Sorry, sweetie.
Due to the duplicitous nature of f*ckboys, they can be quite hard to detect at times, for they come in all different shapes, sizes, and degrees of f*ckboyness. In other words, there is not just one stereotypical fuckboy—rather, there are many different types of f*ckboys floating around, with different appearances and different manipulative tactics. And some are way more harmful than others. In order to help you detect a f*ckboy and laugh at some of your questionable choices in men, here are the seven different types of f*ckboys you’ll probably be involved with at some point in your lifetime, ranked from least to most f*ckboy esque. Enjoy.
1. The wannabe f*ckboy.
This type of f*ckboy is easily the least dangerous of them all. He does not have the charm, wit, or looks to truly manipulate a girl into falling for him. While he tries his best to be a true f*ckboy by carrying the ideals and wearing the uniform of one, he ultimately fails. This f*ckboy is very easy to spot. You can catch him in the corner of a bar checking you out and just about every other girl that passes by. He will creepily grab you by the waist and ask if you want to make out. No thanks. Just about anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see that this type of f*ckboy is not only undateable, but is unworthy of even taking home. He will repeatedly text you “wyd?” around three in the morning on the daily until you’re 90. And you always leave him on read. This guy can’t take a hint. His only use is for getting you a free drink from time to time, and that’s it. (And you probably run away from him the second he turns around).
2. The f*ckboy that's way too into drugs.
This is another f*ckboy that is quite easy to spot. He tends to rock a snapback and is tatted from head to toe. He will introduce himself to you by saying, “Yo, you need sticks? Hmu.” He flirts with you by offering you Special K at the pregame. He brags to you about how he skips class to get high with his friends and pops multiple pills a day. This guy is all about the drugs, and there’s not much else to him. To put it bluntly, he’s a loser. However, he doesn’t seem to be a super harmful f*ckboy. He has his perks. You do get free drugs from him. His tattoo sleeve is aesthetically pleasing. He’s not the worst. But you do not date this guy. He is already in a relationship with drugs and will have no time for you. Whenever you do see him, he’s high out of his mind to the point where he can’t even process that you’re in the room. He might even pass out before you guys hook up. While you may enjoy his free drugs for now, this guy is a f*ckboy.
3. The f*ckboy who thinks he's a musician.
This guy sucks and definitely has the potential for harm. Initially, you’re very intrigued by the fact he can carry a tune and play an instrument. He plays the guitar and sings one of his “original” songs for you. He tells you that making it big in the music industry is his dream and that he can’t wait to make it happen. You are so glad to have come across such a talented, passionate guy. After hanging out with this guy a solid three more times, however, you start to realize that he’s a f*ckboy. He uses you for an ego boost and continues to ramble on to you about his big dreams of becoming the next Michael Jackson. He doesn’t even have the audacity to ask you how your day is going. You’re tired of putting up with this guys crap. He’s probably not even a passionate musician. This guy is a soundcloud rapper that only has three views on his entire channel. And he never wrote you that song like he promised. That f*ckboy.
4. The stereotypical frat f*ckboy.
Stereotypical frat boys are seen just about everywhere on college campuses. You can spot this type of f*ckboy sporting his uniform consisting of a button down on top, bright colored shorts on the bottom, and, of course, sperries. Just by looking at him, you can tell that his daddy will sue if you talk smack. You also know that stereotypical frat boys are deemed to be “undateable” by society. The undateable label stamped on every stereotypical frat guys lowers their potential for dangerousness, making it much less likely for you to fall for this type of f*ckboy. One day, however, you may meet a seemingly nice stereotypical frat guy. His good looks and smooth, manipulative techniques make you to prone to continue hanging out with this guy. He’s nice, he even brought up taking me to formal, you think to yourself. Stop. Right. There. If, after a couple of weeks, this guy stops texting you, move on. Immediately. He’s not going to live up to the promises he made to you, and he’s definitely not taking you to formal. The next time he talks to you is probably to invite you to an open party at his frat. And you’re probably going to run into him there. With another girl. That betch. Not all frat guys are f*ckboys, but please do yourself a favor and stay away from the ones that are.
5. The gym rat f*ckboy.
If the word f*ckboy was in the dictionary, this would be the picture right under it. A gym rat f*ckboy takes on the general appearance of a stereotypical f*ckboy, making them the absolute worst aesthetically. This guy lives in muscle tank tops—he doesn’t even take them off to change into something a little warmer, like maybe a T-shirt, during the winter. You can always catch this guy at the gym lifting the heaviest set of weights. All of his lifting sessions are specially recorded by one of his gym rat sidekicks. This f*ckboy posts every single lifting video of him onto his instagram. And he probably hashtags gains at the end of it. Even though virtually everything about the gym rat’s appearance screams f*ckboy, he’s really hot, so naturally, you start hanging out with him. This type of f*ckboy isn’t too dangerous, for his overt f*ckboy appearance makes it easy for you to not fall for him and just enjoy him as a hookup. However, talking to this guy is literally the worst. All of your conversations revolve around his protein shakes and his #gainz. He probably even makes you touch his muscles from time to time. Stay away.
6. The mass snap chatting f*ckboy.
Ugh, the mass-snapchatter. He’s a somewhat dangerous f*ckboy and he’s annoying. He’ll occasionally send you a shirtless selfie at three in the morning captioned, “You up?” You roll your eyes every time you open a message from this guy. You know he sends the same message to eight other girls, but part of you hopes he doesn’t. You give this guy a chance because why not, you’re bored. And lonely. So you go over there. And he’s, like, surprisingly really nice for a mass-snapchatter. But after you hang out with this guy, he stops talking to you for weeks. Then, out of the blue, you get another 3 a.m. “You up?” snapchat of him shirtless. You hope that things are different this time if you hang out with him again and succumb to all of his mass-snapchats. Then, he mysteriously stops replying to your snapchat messages when you suggest a time for you two to hang out. If he’s not texting you and is resorting to snapchat to communicate with you, it’s for a reason. Chances are, this guy actually is sending the same, “You up?” message to about eight other girls on his snapchat. And he ignored you because he’s hooking up with one of them instead. Ignore his next snapchat. Please.
7. The f*ckboy disguised as a nice guy.
This guy is the most dangerous, biggest f**kboy of them all. He is super hard to detect. Initially, this guy is amazing. He begins your “romance” by texting you first, initiating plans. He even takes you out on a date. You’re so surprised you found a “nice guy” in a sea of guys that immerse themselves in hookup culture. You’re hooked. Everything he says is music to your ears. You guys text constantly. You really feel like this is going somewhere. After a few more dates, you guys finally hook up. You’re sold. He’s the one, you sheepishly think to yourself. Then, this guy starts to gradually disappear from your life. He stops texting you constantly. He stops complimenting you. And eventually, he just stops answering your texts altogether. He’ll vanish from your life for months, and then will pop back in just as you’re over him like nothing ever happened. This guy sucks. If you’re ever caught in a scenario with this guy, never speak to him again. He is the absolute worst of all of the f*ckboys.
And there you have it. Your guide to f*ckboys, brought to you by me.