The final episode of "Gilligan's Island," a popular television series, aired on April 17, 1967. Although viewers anticipated a rescue of epic proportions, the beloved castaways remained stranded. Cast and crew members asserted the lackluster conclusion was due to the show’s unexpected cancellation. Most fans have accepted this sorry excuse, while several others have concocted a theory. Their hypothesis is that the S.S. Minnow was obliterated during its voyage, killing all of those aboard. Rather than finding refuge on the island— as viewers were led to believe, the “castaways” found themselves in hell and their true forms were unveiled...
The Castaways of "Gilligan's Island" as the Seven Deadly Sins
1. Lust
Ginger, the sexy movie star
2. Envy
Mary Ann, the farm girl, who is jealous of Ginger
3. Greed
Mr. Howell, the millionaire
4. Sloth
“Lovey," the anti-work wife of Mr. Howell
5. Pride
The Professor, an intelligent – but obstinate – man
6. Gluttony and Wrath
The Skipper, an overweight, irritable man
7. The Antichrist
Gilligan, the man who always puts a wrench in the rescue plans and dons red is the head honcho of Hell himself--Satan!