Every office has characters that make it run the way it does. Without them, we would not have shows like The Office or Parks & Rec. If there is not one of each, you are probably it.
1. The Gossip
This colleague didn't ever graduate from high school because they obviously have nothing better to do than whisper in the corner about anything that is of minimal interest. They make everyone else feel weary when they are talking in a lower than normal voice to others. They are always waiting and watching to pounce on the next juicy bit of information to share. Basically, don't screw up or everyone will know about it. Or be perfect and everyone will still know.
2. The Intern
Knows basically nothing but coming out of college they act like they know everything without vocalizing it. They get excited when given simple tasks that give them the slightest bit of power. However, against what they think they are definitely at the bottom of the food chain.
3. The People Pleaser
They take the golden rule in customer service where "the customer is always right" to a whole new level. They get along with everyone and avoid confrontation like the plague. They are peppy and always see the "glass half full." You can find them talking about puppies and food most of the time they are at work.
4. The Prankster/Jokester
They are either hated or loved by the others in the office. It usually depends on who is the recipient of the result of their boredom. No one can take them too seriously since they goof off and usually do not get too much work done. However, they do add some spice to the office.
5. The "Assistant to the Regional Manager"
They kiss up to the boss and think they have more power than they actually do. They are way too serious and take every task to the extreme. They may even make up a fake title for themselves to make you feel like you're beneath them. Everyone except the jokester pretty much ignores them.
6. The Veteran
They get pissed off by every annoying customer but are trained to keep a smile on their face and take it until said customer leaves. They are usually rolling their eyes during office meetings and telling others they could have been told the same information in an email and are missing their CrossFit class for this. You may even find them doing a crossword puzzle instead of paying attention. There is a soft spot for them for interns since everyone starts somewhere and haven't quite made their mark yet. They also don't care to get caught in the office drama.
7. The Snitch
They make sure that the boss knows everything that goes wrong in the office. If you screw up and they see, you can be sure there's going to be a consequence. They may sympathize with you but that won't stop them from making sure you get your "just deserves."
8. The Boss
Usually either way too serious or way too goofy. Either way, they stir up a healthy fear that increases the work ethic in the office. They think that they are the best and are doing a better job than anyone else could.