Ah yes, settling.
Just saying the word makes me feel safe..
I feel as though I'm transported to a nursery, where the countless babies are having their bottoms smacked; the nurses are stressed out, and for some odd reason I'm holding tax papers where I now have to claim, me, you, and a baby.
No, This isn't settling like having to settle for the Ice Coffee option at Starbucks; because they are always out of Cold-Brew. And no, this is not about having to settle for a comedy because you like Horror, and she likes Drama.
This is about settling for someone, and this is not the fairy tale love story. Sucks to suck, but if you met your significant other; while going out one night with the boys trying to slay, odds are you won't find your princess, but you will find something close. You'll find this pretty boo thang that seems interested in you. You spit your game, and you both start dancing. One minute leads to the next and boom, you're at her place.
There's pizza on the floor, and a pile of bills on the counter that you notice but pretend not to. Heading into her room, shes got "baby proof" written all over, with the various piles of different clothes on the floor accompanied with more pizza and this time vodka with it. You being a top notch bro, you do not wear a rubber, slayed the mighty dragon that is 5'2", and ended up three weeks later being told that the baby is yours. And you definitely don't need to ask Maury, no we know it's yours.
(Mind you, your place isn't too shabby either)
This is the settling that I'm talking about.
Two people, going out and having fun, and don't get me wrong having fun is exactly that, fun. But when the wrong choices are made it only leads into a string of lies, cries, and a baby (Lowkey wanted to rhyme but the baby portion is too true.) Look, I get it, we all make stupid mistakes, but we're all smarter than what we see on television.
Would you really want to be on Maury, making a fool of yourself while others yell at you? Or would you rather be a hit icon for the millennial age via Doctor Phil (how bout dah?) Either way, these shows have got to stop production, it's slowly turning our society into goop.
But that's a story for another time.
If you are in a relationship where you cannot be without your significant other because you miss that person so much when they are gone, and not because there was no one there at the time, then that's not settling, that's love. Love is happy, love is not regretting the moment you wake up, looking over to your side to see the mistake of last night.
People nowadays love on the surface level.
People love each other like they would their car, or like how they love getting socks for Christmas (thanks grandma I'll never let it go).
This is frequent in college:
This being my last semester I've noticed people settling already, and look, I get it. People love to feel secure, we as creature don't necessarily like to be outside of our comfort zone and that's perfectly fine. But this is college, this is about new experiences, meeting new people, diversifying your mentality. College is about innovation in yourself, not putting effort into others, yet. You have four years in college compared to the next forty to fifty five years of your life (thanks modern medicine) to worry about someone else. You can make mistakes with people, you can be passionate with others, you can truly find yourself by being with other people.
Honestly I'm tired of having to go to the same casual bar, with my friends because they already have found their "one." I'm like really? You found the one already? I can't even pick which cereal I'm going to eat for breakfast, and you're talking to me about wedding plans. Going out to pick cakes, deciding whether or not you want Angel food Cake or Chocolate. Uh, both obviously? Don't worry I got this, you just get married I'll handle the cakes.There's no competition in who can break out of their mold and talk to someone. All they ever talk about is the problems they have with their significant other, as if I'm their therapist. Then they say, but all marriages are like that.
That's when it hit me like a smack-cam gone viral
We settle for less, because we're constantly fed this stupid information growing up. Parents look down on one another for the weaknesses they have, but always remembered the silver lining as to why they settled in the first place (Malcolm in the Middle, Drake and Josh, Fairly Odd Parents). Parents also have their kids young (Suite life of Zack and Cody). We're told as a child that we need someone to make our lives more meaningful. We're told to have kids because there's no future in our lives, the future lies within our children's lives. Honestly, that's bull, and do not feel as though you need to be committed at an early age.
Live Your life to the fullest, if being married by 22 is what you want then go for it, but don't force it.