Relationships. It is a scary thing in today's world. At least, I think so anyways.
I have had my heart broken a few times before. However, I have always found a way to heal. Let me tell you though, the getting over it process is not something I would wish on my worst enemy.
As my mom always says, "You will be 'in love' plenty of times before you find the right one." Boy is she right!
The reason I emphasized 'in love' is because some of us are so blinded by a person that we look pass the negative things they do.
It takes losing that person to realize we were never really in love.
With that said, I have recently enjoyed being single. It has allowed me to be more stress free and focus on myself for a change.
I will say, I have been on dates since my previous relationship.
I love meeting new people and making new friends. I have found that going on dates has been a way to meet people and help me see who is all out there.
With that exception, I am not one to just settle for anything or anyone.
The past year of being single has made me realize that being in a relationship keeps things exciting.
You always have a 24/7 person who is down for whatever.
However, being single has made me realize what I really, truly am looking for in someone.
I guess what I am trying to say is don't settle.
You might be tired of being single and want the type of relationship that all of these other couples around you have.
In reality, you need to understand that your 'perfect' someone comes along when you least expect it.
Although you might be tired of waiting, I can promise you it will be so much more worth it in the end.
If you feel that you click with someone after just one date, then give it a try! You never really know until you do.
However, if you are not feeling it from the start, don't try to force those feelings in hopes that something more comes from it.
Even if he seems is the sweetest boy on the face of the earth, some people just have different interests.
Enjoy the single life and let loose. Your 'perfect' person will come along soon!