“Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander...”
These words struck something in me, more than ever, last week. I wept as I sang them, realizing that my Father was grabbing hold of my hand, asking me to walk a little deeper with him, a little farther. Realizing that I needed to be in such deeper waters than I was. Above all, realizing that I needed to trust Him to take me into those deeper waters, because I know that the fear of not being enough for greater things will come. I know there will be times that I will believe the lies that I cannot do certain things, that I just have to go through these daily motions and live in survival mode. I know I will have days that I feel so much less than worth good things.
But the truth is, Jesus planned so much more for me than that. He redeemed me for plans unimaginable in my mind. He died for me to experience a joyful life, a life of knowing Him and serving Him in remarkable ways. I don’t have to settle for less than that or believe that I am less than He says I am.
The plans that Jesus has for my life, I believe, are huge, life-changing. I've seen Christian lives, completely abandoned to Him in faith, that have been a part of something unbelievably incredible, unbelievably real. Something that affects other lives in beautiful ways.
I need to step out in faith to experience the life-changing plans Jesus has for me. I confess, sometimes it is so hard for me to believe that these plans are for me; it's easier to see someone else do it but incredibly hard to embrace the passions that He has put in my heart and do something amazing with them.
And these plans are for you. There is something extraordinary ahead, already planned for you, waiting for you to take hold of it. Let your trust surmount your fear and insecurity and take steps of faith toward the plans He prepared beforehand.
It is extraordinary that you are breathing right now. It is extraordinary that you have a Father who would die for you. It is extraordinary the things that you could do if you trusted His plans, going deeper than your feet alone could take you.
I have been so convicted, knowing that I was not really trusting God to do incredible things. I know my Father is good and has good plans, yet I couldn’t seem to understand how He could use me—I am so flawed, so shaky, so fearful. And the biggest lesson in this, I realize, is being confident in who Christ is in me and trusting Him to take each beautiful, scary step with me. I cannot do it on my own, but He can accomplish great things and allow me to be a part of it.