Setting Meaningful New Year's Resolutions | The Odyssey Online
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Setting Meaningful New Year's Resolutions

Take a moment to plan a path for success for all of your 2017 resolutions.

Setting Meaningful New Year's Resolutions
Asia McArdell

People consider the new year to be a fresh start and often mark the occasion by setting resolutions for the year. Around 40% of Americans make New Year's resolutions, but research suggests that only 8% of people actually follow through with them. In this context a resolution is simply a goal for the year. Although the majority of us are never formally taught how to effectively set goals, it is a key part of being successful.

When you ask someone what their goals are, they'll usually have some sort of answer. When you ask them if they've written it down and considered all the smaller steps it will take to achieve their goal, that answer changes. According to research, less than 3% of Americans have written goals.

I was recently taught by one of my mentors an effective way to plan out and achieve my goals. He said the best way to start your day is to engage with what you have to do and prioritize. These steps, 'The 4 T's' are a big part of that.


This is your main goal - What are you aiming for? This can span a wide range of topics from personal to professional.


Consider and write out the smaller tasks that need to be completed for you to reach your target.


Once you have your tasks, bind them to time. At this point it's helpful to have an accountability partner, so that you can check in with each other during your journey. Much like being in school, having a due date will help you be more organized. If you have a planner or a digital calendar, put your due dates in with reminders as their deadlines approach.


This is where most people fail, it is so important to track your goals in a written and tangible way. Not only does this help you evaluate your progress, but you can reassess your tasks and timeline as you work towards your target and come across obstacles to your success. Keep a journal or use some kind of note taking software on your phone - seeing your progress will motivate you to work even harder to reach your target.

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