The school semester is finally over and summer break is here. I realized that all those things that I planned on doing end up forgotten or put off because relaxing takes center stage. This summer I decided I didn’t want that to happen again, so I am setting a list of goals to complete.
I am breaking up the goals into things to accomplish each month of summer. Putting this on a phone or a place was you will always see it will make it more likely to be finished. These are three things that I have noticed are helping me actually complete things.
1. Get inspired.
I will research whatever project I am trying to do. Going on Pinterest (Youtube and other places, as well) and looking at fun goal setting ideas is also a way to get yourself excited about getting stuff done! Also, google to find ways of scheduling or writing out my goals
2. Journaling.
Journal through your process of accomplishing what you are working on. Then you can look back and see how far you’ve come. Using colored pens or markers makes it more satisfying to set up goals
3. Set reminders.
On your phone or on a whiteboard-- whatever you use for reminding yourself of something.
Good luck this summer!