I am a firm believer in setting goals, making check lists and creating schedules. I doubt that I would have been able to do as well as I did my freshman year of college without having my trusty planner available at all times, outlining what I have due and when, including bite-sized deadlines I would create for myself for larger assignments. I like accomplish-able goals; small things that are manageable to do or moderately sized things that can be done with a little bit of work.
However, big goals freak me out. "Lose ten pounds," "work out every day," and even growing out my nails can some times be too long term for me to manage. If the task will take longer than three-four weeks, and I acknowledge this about myself, I probably will not accomplish it. Why? It's hard to say. All I know is I am forcing a change upon myself.
I want to walk on my hands. By the time I graduate college.
For those who know me, it is clear that I do not fall into the "buff" category. I am fit enough, but definitely not ripped. The likelihood of my being able to so much as stand on my hands is a solid zero at this point in my life-- no matter how much yoga I did/do my shoulders panic at the thought of supporting the rest of my body. My core is strong, but not nearly so that I could hold myself together as I balance precariously on fingertips and palms. Therefore, step one: exercise the shoulder, arm, and core regions. The rest of the steps are as follows:
Two: practice shoulder stands to the point of performing one without a wall or aide
Three: use the "walk up method" to practice hand stands while using a wall
Four: maintain hand stand position for a good while (this is a scientific unit of measure known by all goal-setters)
Five: hand stand it up without aide of a wall
Six: walk on hands/ be a total bad ass
With these easy steps, I'm sure to strut my way across the stage on my hands and grab my diploma with my feet, right? I am hoping the breaking into smaller chunks will create a more manageable task and a more positive outlook on the entire endeavor. Updates to come, if I ever manage to start!