Hispanic Heritage Month At Seton Hall University | The Odyssey Online
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Hispanic Heritage Month Is Still Here

Come and celebrate it with the Joseph A. Unanue Latino Institute!

Hispanic Heritage Month Is Still Here

Tired of stressing about financial aid? Want to learn more about Hispanic/Latino culture? What to experience a whole month of events dedicated to Hispanic/Latino Culture? Then the Latino Institute is right for you!

The Joseph A. Unanue Latino Institute on Seton Hall's campus is a center dedicated to creating more awareness about Hispanic and Latino culture. The Institute was formerly founded in 2005 but grew from the previous Puerto Rican Institute that was started from the 1970s. Joseph A. Unanue, the founder of GOYA Foods, and his wife, Carmen, heavily supported the Institute, hence the sharing of his name.

Currently, the Institute has planned a whole host of events at Seton Hall University that are open to all students for Hispanic Heritage Month. Hispanic Heritage Month began on September 15 and ends on October 15. During this duration, the Institute, as well as other Latino orgs on campus such as Adelanate, have planned events and activities showing Latino/Hispanic culture to the general community. There was a Walkout film screening, a talk on cultural appropriation, and other events for October planned such as an Afro-Latino lecture, pina coladas on the green, and the El Caribe Gala, the Institute's last event which will take place in New York City. These events are always planned with the collaboration of others, including students, as the Institute values feedback and suggestion for future events.

All those events are open to all students and is a great way to appreciate Latino/Hispanic culture. The events and activities planned won't end with Hispanic Heritage Month though as the Institute runs all year round. Seton Hall prides itself on its diverse student population and that is something we should all celebrate! Appreciating and understand different cultures helps to bring us together and establish connections that can last a lifetime. The Latino Institute serves as a gateway to building these connections.

Another important matter to keep in mind is the Institute's dedication to not only raising awareness of Hispanic/Latino culture, but also helping students with their financial need. The Institute offers various scholarship awards to students who demonstrate financial need and are in good academic standing. The best part about these scholarships? You don't have to be Hispanic/Latino to apply! The Institute carries on Joseph A. Unanue's legacy by focusing on providing educational assistance to those in need. And for those who are service-oriented, the Lider Scholarship is awarded to those who want to organize a service project in the local communities and you receive a $500 stipend for that project. Not only then do you get financial help but you get to help others too! And it's your own idea!

So, if you are ever curious about learning more about Hispanic/Latino culture, stop by at one of the events or stop at the Institute itself. The Institute is located in Fahy Hall so not far at all from the dorms or the parking lots if you commute. You will come to appreciate the beauty of the Hispanic culture and may even find yourself with a lesser tuition bill! What is there to lose, then?

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