it was a time that we've always wanted,
but it seems as if it is never going to come.
one single day,
one single moment.
an experience that we deeply long for,
it comes so fast,
yet it takes so long…
a paradox one would say.
almost there to take the biggest leap,
the biggest leap of our lives
we have spent the entirety of it working
working for this.
but all for what?
we were never guaranteed a tomorrow
so why are we always;
on something that may never come.
how selfish of us.
more of an end than anything,
an end to our lives as we know it
but we're not sad
for there is no need to be sad
about things that are out of our control.
that worries you doesn't it?
it’s okay,
it worries me too. . .
No matter what was thought about whether it be overcoming adversity, heartache, or one of the best memories of your life; there is a lesson to be learned. Moments and events are always going to come and there is no way to stop fate. Be hopeful and embrace everything that an experience has to offer, it is up to you to control what you do in the present situation. Live for the now.