As someone who grew up with a mother who was a waitress, I've always held a certain respect for servers as I knew how demanding the job really is. You constantly have to be aware of the mood of the customer and keep them content, refill drinks and make sure you have time to go back to the kitchen where hopefully you don't drop the three plates of food you just received.
On top of the already exhausting aspects that come with the job, they must also endure a lack of appreciation from the very people they are attending to. However, wait staff isn't allowed to be anything but understanding in these situations because of course "the customer is always right."
While there are many that are willing to take advantage of this common restaurant mentality I would like to believe that most individuals are simply unaware of how their treatment whether it be from a bad day or otherwise can cause whoever is serving you to have a bad serving experience with you. Although it is easy to just dismiss these situations as typical and expected for someone in a serving position it does not make it right, or excusable.
So if you could refrain from it avoid causing a scene at the next food establishment you stay at. If you don't like something about your meal say it early. Speaking up will make your meal experience an easier one for both you and your server. Although they are often encouraged to check in with you and make sure you are enjoying your meal, they also aren't psychics so communication is key.
As servers often serve to work in the background of many important times in people's lives it's easy to forget that today is not their anniversary, their birthday or night out with their friends. They are working their best to make your time enjoyable and it's important not to lose sight of that.
Which is why I wish to remind everyone to always and I do mean always tip. Due to base salaries for servers being exceptionally low, this often leaves customers with the important task of supplementing the majority of this individual's income. While the fairness of this system can be argued, the fact of the matter is that this is how it is currently set up and if you aren't able to provide a decent tip at the end of your meal; then you have no business going out that's that.
While this attitude may sound harsh and unfair, it's not any harsher than serving someone for an hour only to get almost nothing back for that entire interaction. While as a customer your certainly in your right to do this, I would suggest not making a habit of it. While for you it simply is saving a few bucks, whereas for others it impacts their livelihood.
So again I urge you please show wait staff your appreciation as they are most definitely deserving of it.