Being a server is legitimate hell. It's 12-hour shifts filled with asshole customers, shitty tips, and non-stop life in the weeds. But honestly, we get through each and every shift because of our server fam. The people who make our shifts slightly easier and don't hate us when we really deserve to be hated.
Thanks for accepting when I show up tired, unhappy and possibly hungover.
This happens a lot, more than I would like to admit. But you just kind of accept it and are normally on the same page. It's always just like, OK cool whatever, go say hi to your table.
Thanks for not taking the things I say while I'm in the weeds seriously.
I've yelled at you, insulted you and promised to take your shift when I'm really not in a sound mind. But you know none of it is true so you don't hate me and don't make me apologize when I come back to the real world.
Thanks for letting me steal the food you're eating or you're waiting on.
I haven't gotten to sit down in hours and that french fry on your plate is just calling my name, so I'm going to take it. I'm also going to take that salad for my 15 top with a crying baby that just really needs to leave even though you've been waiting way longer than me.
Thanks for annoying the bartenders with me.
The most entertaining part of our shifts. Putting in weird orders, asking for Pina Coladas, and just all around pissing them off. It's all out of love, bartenders, some hate but mostly love.
Thanks for re-teaching me how to do my job.
Yes, I've been taught how to spilt a check like seven times but I can't remember, so show me again? Oh, and can you remind me what the sides are and what's 86-ed?
Thanks for making the slow days kinda fun.
For all of the busy days, there are slow as hell days. They are mostly cleaning and sitting around, but I still love the games we've made up and the idiotic jokes we've made.
Thanks for doing the side work I forgot to do.
I suck and totally missed that, but it was done before the boss noticed so I don't get fired. I owe you, though I'll probably never actually do anything.
Thanks for holding me when I breakdown.
Those bad days are absolute hell but you calm me down, convince me to not quit, then tell me to man up and send me right back out.
Thanks for doing every thing I can't.
You cover my tables when I just need to sit down for 30 seconds. You run my food, drinks and checks when I just can't and remind me of all of the things I need to do when I'm too busy flirting with the hot bartender.
Thanks for after-closing advice, the before-opening coffee runs, the mid-shift pep talks, and all of the times that made the shifts go by much faster.
You are 100 percent the only reason I haven't quit. We may only get paid $2.13 an hour but you guys deserve so much more for putting up with me on the daily.