Kendall and Kylie Jenner have become household names- Why? The Kardashian empire only continues to grow. Modeling, clothing lines, stores, makeup lines- the list is endless. They are in the news everyday, regardless if something newsworthy happened or not. I think that because they're celebrities, people forget one simple fact- they're only human.
For example, this little beauty. Last week, a snap chat story was written about Kendall's "big breakout." The celeb was photographed with three zits on her face and made the front tab on snap stories.
Are you serious?
The poor girl just got off an airplane. I wouldn't have any makeup on either! As someone who grew up with severe acne, I almost find this "news" insulting. She had 3 zits, THREE. The article suggested that her crazy lifestyle was taking a toll on her complexion. Really? He face otherwise still looked flawless. If this is what it means to have spiraling, big breakout- count me in.
Kendall is only 21 years old- is she not allowed to have a few zits simply because she's a celebrity? Stories like this not only make me feel bad for the celebrity involved- but it also effects others. What about all the girls who look up to her as their role model? They're going to start to think that if they get a couple zits one day, they're life is out of control and that they're no longer attractive.
The article went on to show how Jenner covered up with a "slick" of makeup before she went out on the town. Is she not allowed to cover up her breakouts? Her makeup wasn't heavy at all- it was as if she wasn't even wearing any and her zits just disappeared.
She is human. Let her be human! Celebrities don't have to wear makeup everywhere they go or look perfect 24/7. They're allowed to get sick, have zits and eat junk food too. If we're setting a non-human standard for them, how are the people who admire them supposed to level up to that?
Let's stick to real news- not bothering a 21-year-old for getting three zits while traveling 24/7. Give me a break.