In a grand scheme of things, these temperatures are not a good sign for the entirety of the planet. It’s 87 degrees Fahrenheit on the first day of fall in D.C., which is extremely uncommon. The majority of people don’t want to take the threat of global warming and climate change seriously, but July 2016 was the hottest month ever recorded. Not to mention, we are going to have one of the harshest winters ever in a decade. People who continue believing this is a "hoax" continue to do irresponsible things that spoil our environment, and continue passing laws that do not recognize the environmental actions we as humans need to take. Extreme heat and climate change will affect agriculture, our economy, public health and so much more. Alaskan villages are falling in the water, polar bears are dying, Venice is sinking daily, and an intense deforestation is occurring in the Amazon rainforest killing life.
The more meat humans consume, the more greenhouse gases are emitted in the air because of animal agriculture. Animals in the United States alone, who are raised for livestock produce more waste than the entire human population of the country due to the unhealthy amount of chemicals they are forced to consume. This waste is eventually sprayed over fields or disposed of improperly due to the fact that there are no sewage plants for animals. The less meat humans consume, the less the environment hurts.
Meat aside, humans need to stop reproducing at such a fast and quick rate. An average family has 3 to 4 children, and the more humans on the planet the less it can provide for all of us. There is a limit to how much human life the Earth can sustain, yet the population continues to increase. 56 years ago, the population of the Earth was 3 billion, and since then the population has increased by 4.1 billion. Especially in India, since it is said to surpass China’s population because of China's one-child policy. There needs to an intense and rigorous education on sex and reproduction, especially in India’s rural villages. Birth control, condoms need to be more readily available in rural parts of the world and they need to be more affordable here in the Western world. We cannot have families of 10 kids. It is not safe for the children, for the parents, and most importantly for the environment.
There are so many drastic effects of climate change, and humans are doing the bare minimum. At the least we must go and vote for a candidate that believes in climate change. At the rate we are currently going, the planet is going to be terrifying for future generations, for our children, and most importantly their own children. People need to be more mindful and conscious of their environmental actions. It is about time, we collectively as the human race, start taking this seriously.