In light of all that has happened over the summer up to this point, I believe it is as important as ever to stand up and brave whatever's coming next. The first step to this is to clear the air between different groups of people. With that in mind, here's a series of short letters.
Dear humanity,
You're human. One species. Why is it that you must make everything into an "us vs. them" ordeal? Be honest, you do it all the time. I'm not one who would lead a crusade on labels, but the fact that you maliciously divide and attack those who are different from you makes me want to.
Dear straight people,
Why do you look at me with disgust when I peck my boyfriend on the cheek in public? If you would look to my right, you can clearly see my friend passionately sticking her tongue down her boyfriend's throat.
Dear those who do not understand,
It's just a bathroom. Actually, no. It wasn't about the bathroom back when people of color were banned from using it, and it's not about the bathroom now.
Dear those who do not understand,
A follow up. If you're uncomfortable by a mother breastfeeding her baby, a process that is natural, I suggest you look away or ignore it. Don't complain or make her feel ashamed. It's none of your business.
Dear those who've been through it,
I know your pain. We used to be victims, then we became survivors. We are now warriors forever changed by someone who defiled us in some way. As terrible and horrendous as the experiences were for all of us, we can choose to stand up, keep going and dedicate ourselves to make sure that abuse of all kind is stopped before it can happen again.
Dear straight people,
Please don't constantly tell us you don't understand why we need pride parades. To best get you to understand, keep this in mind: Be thankful you don't need them.
Dear those who feel like they're lost,
You may be the one who feels like you're drowning when everyone else can breathe with ease. Or perhaps paralyzing fear makes you change gender pronouns in your love poems/stories to protect yourself from others. Maybe you act as if you have to please everyone because you can't make yourself happy. I've been there. And no matter what happens, you'll make it through.
Dear allies,
Thank you for your love.
Dear those who've forgotten,
She isn't just someone's "daughter," "friend," "girlfriend," "sister" or "mother." She is someone. As important as the aforementioned things are, the fact that she's someone is the first thing to be considered.
Dear those with power and privilege,
Please don't just stand by and witness destruction for personal gain. In the end, we're in this together. If you have the power to help make things better for all, take action. As a fictional character once said, "With great power comes great responsibility."
Dear anyone who's hiding for any reason,
I see you. I'm always here. I understand and love you. You are beautiful.
Dear humanity,
We've come far since our ancestors began to roam the land. Nothing, not color, orientation, beliefs or anything of the like, should ever be enough to separate us. We're all on one planet, and we've always been on one planet. We can make it if we see the beauty in each other, not the ugliness that's been blown up by our narrow-minded ways.
Dear earthlings,
We can make it.
Just another guy