How did we get here to this point today? How did I become this 21 year old man from a little baby? Well, you really don't want to know how that happened...but the short answer is by a series of fortunate events.
The only thing that we really know in this world is that we exist. I know that for a fact because I have a brain, a heart, and soul. Some philosophers would also say that we all start off with a tabula rasa, or blank slate. I would disagree about that notion. Yes, we do start off as innocent children who then start learning things but part of who you are is determined by your family. By the people around you. By the society you live in. It begins to mold you long before you are shot out into this world. Somehow, by nature, God, or the chaotic forces of this universe we all exist here in this space and time. Our parents got together and did...something and here we are.
"Wait, but like how did they meet each other?"
Well they actually grew up several states apart and met when they went to the same college. They were studying different majors and met during a party.
"Well, why did they stay together? How did they get to now?"
Ummm, love I guess?
"Wait, what did their parents do? How did their parents meet?"
Noooooooooooooooo! Stop asking questions and accept it!
There is no real reason why the things happened the way they did that they did. No one will be able to clarify all of those questions. Life is just way too weird to have explanations. We are all made of star stuff. We all exist. We made it to whatever point in our lives. Things may not be great, or good, or even remotely good. But this life is the only one we can be sure of at this point. So look around you. Look at the people that surround you. The haters, the lovers, the teachers, the elders, the kids, the friends, and your family. They probably all make you want to tear your hair out sometimes.
That is the horrible beauty of life. You can experience so much sadness yet so much happiness. Life is full of questions you can't answer. Celebrities you can't meet. Places you might never see. Food you have never seen before. Friends you haven't met yet. And so much more. A seemingly endless buffet of life to live. So reflect on all the food you have eaten and the family you have. Know that you exist out of part of the universal star stuff. Know that your experiences make your life unique. Know that you exist because a series of fortunate events correlated into the beautiful being that you are.
"I have no idea what crazy events created this..."