When you are a serial cat lover, you cannot own just one cat. No, you own at least three minimum (I have four). Even If you only have one cat, you tend to make up for only having one by spoiling them to no end. You take selfies with them, and your cat always looks way better than you for some unknown reason. Your cats will not take no for an answer. They all love you just as much as you love them and are equally as crazy as you are. If you have a dog, it is the only dog your cats will ever tolerate. Other animals, in general, are a no-no, for you and for them. You aren't really willing to share or spread the love—except to your cats and the possible one dog. That is it.
They all sleep on top of you at the same time, and you demand that they keep doing so. They eat your food when you aren't looking, or they just help themselves right there in front of you...and you're okay with it. Your animals are going to chew up your earbuds, hair ties, anything with string, or of mild interest to them (mine like to chew my shirt sleeves). One of your cats is at least slightly, probably a lot, stupider than the rest and depends on you to help it do things like put it on the counter because it kept running into the side of it. My cat, Smokey, cannot jump up on the bath tub half of the time and needs to be picked up. Another one is probably smarter than the rest but is way needier; they require you hold him/her while you are cooking, cleaning, brushing your teeth, or even changing clothes. They have probably gone as far as to either claw their way up the side of your body, jump on you while you were not wearing a shirt, or sank their claws into your shoulder causing you the ultimate pain of being a cat owner.
Another possible personality trait one of your cats may have is the constant hunger. If they do posses this hunger, then they will resort to eating just about anything; one of my cats is a kitten we recently rescued and she will literally eat anything. A week or two ago, I was eating veggies with ranch and she climbed up on top of my lap and cried until I fed her some. The funny part was she didn't just lick the dressing off of the vegetable like any of my other cats would have; she ate the whole thing - vegetable included. It was possibly one of the strangest things I have ever seen a cat do.
A part of being a true lover of the cats is carrying on normal conversations with your cat and acting like they respond, which they totally do. You ask them things like how their day was, what they want to watch, how something makes them feel, what happened with your friends, and the most important question of all, "Does this make my butt look big?" They tell you honestly too. They probably say that their day was sleep filled, and they bathed a minimum of thirty times before 10 a.m. They probably want to binge watch all 11 seasons of bones with you. Again. They probably tell you to stop talking when you ask them about their feelings, and when you ask them if your butt looks big, they will most definitely tell you that yes your butt does look big - gigantic, in fact.
No matter what, your cat, or cats, will always love you. They don't care if you work at home, are in college, or whatever. It doesn't care that you are white, black, Hispanic, or mixed. It doesn't care if you are old, young, or middle-aged. Your cat does care if you are happy or sad. It definitely cares about how much you love it, and how much love you actually give it. Your pet/pets love you and everything you do for them, so don't worry about what other people think; have as many pets as you want! Be as weird with your pets as you want. Feed them as much as they want, i.e. 24/7. Play with them all the time and remember that, without you, they wouldn't have a home, a family, or someone who loves them as much as you do.