For many, being alone induces a strong sense of anxiety and loneliness. Indeed, we are social-beings by nature. However, there are also many perks to solitude. Something about being in the presence of strangers at a coffee shop, trees in a park, and meaningless noise from one's TV at home is simply so pleasant. All of these situations share one commonality: solitude. �Although it's often difficult to find complete peace and quiet, all of the above places and instances offer a sense of distance from the world and its inhabitants.
Being alone is the perfect time to become someone new. Often, I do this by reading a good book. In a matter of minutes, I can become a researcher, a young woman from the 20s, a superhero, a Native American seeking refuge, or anyone else that I am reading about. It offers me the perfect escape from my own reality, when it is not working in my favor.
Furthermore, solitude offers me the perfect opportunity to reflect upon pressing issues in my life. It is not often that we have the means and time to consider salient topics affecting us alone-- unbiased and uninfluenced, free from the boisterous opinions of others. Personal reflection of one's relationships, career goals, living situation, etc. usually reveals the most wise solutions.
Being in the presence of oneself, and oneself only, allows time for consideration of the issues that are less demanding in our day-to-day personal lives. Nevertheless, they are instrumental in shaping our existence and moral affiliations. For example, we aimlessly engage our attention to news stories everyday. Yet, we undoubtedly neglect to thoughtfully process and reflect upon the information that we view. With so many social and political changes occurring throughout our world, it seems imperative that we take the time to form an informed opinion about such matters.
Also, solitude is an important factor that influences our well-being. I choose to practice positive self-care by making an effort to spend time alone--away from people, electronics, and all other distractions, to simply relax. The perfect way to do so is by clearing your evening schedule at least once week, and taking a walk, a bubble-bath, etc. to clear your mind and de-stress.
If you're feeling overwhelmed by the demands of your job, others, and responsibilities, follow some of the tips in this article to unwind and reconnect with your mind and body.