What the book is about:
In SEPTEMICS, Marshall explores how better understanding human conduct can make you a more successful person, including:
- -How understanding specific areas of human activity, such as motivation, identity, thought, ability and choice, can improve your life
- -How using Septemics can improve your relationships, communications and work
- -How Septemics can have a positive impact on nearly every aspect of human affairs
- -The 7 different levels of each scale, and how to advance to the next level
- -How this book can aid parents, counselors, spouses, employers, teachers and pastors
Inspiration for the book:
Because individuals, as well as groups, behave in predictable patterns (which are specified in this book), SEPTEMICS is able to provide a new way of looking at human interactions, and can help readers achieve their goals faster and easier. The author has laid it out in 35 different scales to help readers understand it in a structured way.
Author advice:
While it's tempting to jump to a specific scale (there are 35 scales covering different situations), it's best to read it from the first page to the last. This is because most situations in life are intertwined. For example, a person may start an entrepreneurial venture but different people may have different reasons for doing so. Some may do it for recognition, or acceptance, while others may do it for financial benefit. By identifying and understanding your own motivation, those around you, and the communication in between, this could potentially improve your communication, relations and work all at the same time.
About the author:
Jim Marshall, B.S., is a polymathic scholar whose areas of expertise include psychology, philosophy, theology, parapsychology, science, engineering, mathematics, law, literature, history, metaphysics, military science, political science, physical culture and music.
Book information:
Sample chapters are available at the author's website septemics.com. To purchase the book, you can choose between Amazon or Barnes & Noble.