Every day of the year, there is something to celebrate, and September seems to be all about the burgers, pizza, and beer!
September 2: National Blueberry Popsicle Day
I've never had a blueberry popsicle before, but I love both blueberries and popsicles... so I'd assume they are delicious!
September 3: National Bowling League Day
Bowling leagues are for the cool kids
September 5: National Cheese Pizza Day
If you don't like pizza, get out
September 6: National Coffee Ice Cream Day / National Read a Book Day
Instead of ice cream and a movie, this day is for ice cream and a good book
September 8: National Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses Day
Nurses deserve to be appreciated every day!
September 9: National Teddy Bear Day
Hopefully your fuzzy snuggle buddy isn't as perverted as Ted
September 10: National TV Dinner Day
TV dinners are pretty nasty but they were huge when they first came out in the '50s!
September 11: National Make Your Bed Day
I don't see the point in making the bed. It just gets messed up night after night...
September 12: National Chocolate Milkshake Day / National Video Games Day
Milkshakes and video games make an excellent combo
September 13: National Peanut Day
I'm allergic to peanuts, so I kind of hate this day
September 14: National Eat a Hoagie Day / National Cream Filled Donut Day
I'll take both
September 16: National Play-Doh Day
A childhood favorite that never gets old (unless you leave it out and it gets all dry)
September 17: National Constitution Day
Who else can sing the preamble because of School House Rock?
September 18: National Cheeseburger Day
Another day, another burger
September 19: Talk Like a Pirate Day
September 21: National Pecan Cookie Day
Pecan cookies aren't one of those most popular ones but they definitely look delicious (I wouldn't know because, well, I'm allergic)
September 22: Elephant Appreciation Day
Elephants are literally so cool, but unfortunately they are endangered. So let's save the elephants!
September 23: National Great American Pot Pie Day
Just like a regular fruit pie... the crust is the best part
September 25: National One-Hit-Wonder Day
One-hit-wonders are honestly some of the best songs! Shout out to anyone who know what music video this gif is from
September 26: National Pancake Day
Even though I'm team waffle, I still enjoy some fluffy pancakes once in awhile
September 28: National Drink Beer Day
Chug! Chug! Chug!
September 29: National Coffee Day
Whenever I drink coffee, I look like Fry in this gif
September 30: National Chewing Gum Day
If I'm not eating, I'm chewing gum