A great way to relieve stress and stay in touch with oneself is to start a daily journal. One thing I struggle with when trying to write is what to write about. I imagine one day my family, or kids reading the things I write one day. I would not like them reading my journal and only seeing "today I went to class, it was really boring, and then I got a smoothie". I want to write my feelings and things about myself. These daily journal prompts will help me, and hopefully you write things about myself that maybe I don't even know! These prompts are meant to get you started writing, and then let your story tell itself! Assume all of these questions have a why tacked onto the end. So, give a daily journal a try with my prompts and questions!
1. What is the one goal you want to accomplish in September, and how will you do it?
2. Who is the most important person in your life?
3. Describe the first childhood memory that comes to mind.
4. What is one food you used to love but now hate?
5. Today is labor day, a day honoring all people who work. Who are you thankful for today?
6. Why do you think your favorite coloris your favorite color?
7. Do you believe in love at first sight?
8. Would you categorize yourself as an introvert or extrovert?
9. What is your current favorite show to watch? What's happening?
10. What is your favorite part of the day?
11. Today is the fifteenth anniversary of "9/11" terrorist attacks. What do you feel when thinking about these events?
12. Yesterday was also National Grandparent's Day, write about your grandparents.
13. What is something you are nervous about that is coming up soon?
14. What is one thing that made you laugh today?
15. If you could be anywhere at this moment, where would you be?
16. What is your favorite item - any item you own, right now?
17. Do you think you have changed in the last year, month, week?
18. What was your dream career as a child, how has it evolved?
19. What is your all time favorite movie?
20. Where are you currently living? Write about your feelings and plans regarding where you live.
21. What or who makes you happy every time you think about it?
22. What are you currently planning for?
23. Are there any things you do to relieve stress?
24. What song can you just jam out to any time?
25. Is there anything you really wish you were good at?
26. If you could see anyone right now, who would it be?
27. What do you really want to buy, but can't afford?
28. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
29. Who is your favorite musician?
30. Looking back over this month, is there anything you regret?
Thank you for testing out my writing prompts for this month! I hope to continue these every month if they are popular! Stay tuned for October.