52nd St station
"To do his best in life. To show off his greatness."
46th St station
"Stay focused. Guys ain't nothing but trouble."
40th St station
"Keep and put God first in your life. Be as obedient to your God as you possibly can and treat people as you want to be treated. That's the principle I was raised on.
Be as kind and compassionate as you can. God will bless you; only you can block your blessings.."
34th St station
"I would probably tell my 20-year old self to not worry so much about the stuff that does not matter."
30th St station
"20-year old? Well, I am 90 years old now. I think differently than I used to back then. I would have been more level-headed rather than just having a good time."
15th St station
"Get a decent job. High school diploma. Stay away from people who use drugs. Stay away from people under the street. Respect your elders, respect your parents. The Bible says you have to love your enemies. The Lord will take care of your battles."
13th St station
"Stop being so hard on yourself."
12th St station
"I would tell myself to keep working on your dreams and to not let what other people think to get you off track."
8th St station
"To be more fearless in the beginning."
5th St station
"20-year old self? That was so long ago. Joke, that was 2 years ago. Start playing music again. ASAP."