Calling attention to my fellow Barbra Streisand lovers (or haters)! Is anyone actually out there? If you are, we can all agree that our little Babs is the next best thing since sliced bread, and has been since the 1960s. Her movies, her music, her humor, her voice-all reasons we gush over the most "ageless and evergreen" 74-year-old out there.
Did I forget a reason that Streisand causes us to feel verklempt? Politics perhaps? NO!
With Streisand’s 35th studio album, Encore: Movie Partners Sing Broadway, to release in less than a month accompanied by her country wide tour this August, Streisanders everywhere are dusting off their vintage record players and singing along to over five decades of songs to prepare for this magical event. Music is truly magical as it gives humans the chance to fully escape the stress of reality and enter a world of pure bliss. But what does bliss sound like?
“Woman in Love”?
“Second Hand Rose”?
“Lost Inside of You”?
Sigh... too many to choose from.
Lyricist Don Black once described Streisand’s voice as “liquid diamonds,” and I’m pretty certain that he was not referring to the sound of her advocating for Hilary Clinton and her beloved Democratic party. In fact, I’m certain that Streisand’s political views did not even cross his mind when speaking on this God-given why are we? Do you know how many times I have expressed my love for the flawless work of Streisand and heard the response, “I don’t listen to her because of her politics.”
I’m sorry...what?
I understand that Streisand has the tendency to shove her political two cents in our faces every single chance she gets. This can be overwhelming, especially when you don't agree. No offense Queen B, but politics are not the reason that you were smiling cheek to cheek as President Obama presented you with the Medal of Freedom last year. However, everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion and there needs to be an establishment between the separation of stage and state. Politics are controlling, stressful, and demonizing. Eliminating the perfection known as Barbra Streisand leaves us with one less way of escaping the harsh reality of the real world.
Whether you’re a democrat, republican, or libertarian, you are surrounded by thousands of people who have opposing views without knowing the political identity behind the human. Some of these people are family, some are friends, and most are strangers with views that may differ dramatically from each other; yet, one thing that almost all humans can agree on is the power of music. The power and energy that allows your body to relax and feel unexplainable emotions with every note, every beat, and every lyric. It is a healing and soothing energy that Streisand has mastered.
So don't rain on my parade and let's start advocating for less talking and more singing.