So it’s the day after Valentine’s Day and I am looking at the sun shining off of the melting snow. In a lot of ways, it reminds me of the unpredictability of life. One day it's a blizzard, and the next day the temperature feels like spring. Similarly, one day you are sitting around sulking about how life is so horrible for you. And it’s not like you don’t know that someone else's life might be a lot more horrible than your own, but you continue to sulk because you think that it makes you feel better. But when you do something so incredibly risky and step out your comfort zone, you feel nothing but pure joy. Life starts looking up the day you step outside the bubble and make things happen for yourself. I did something pretty risky recently, and afterward, I felt a feeling I never felt before. Almost indescribable, it felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.
What I did was strictly to make someone feel good and special; it didn’t have any benefit to myself but revealing a secret I was carrying around. It’s almost like Catholic confession, in fact it was a confession. But do you know the feeling that happens after confession? If you truly are sorry for your sins, you walk out feeling relieved and grateful. When I did what I did today, I walked away with the same feeling. When I walked away I felt both relieved and grateful. Grateful was it for me to have the power to simply make someone's day.
So why did I send my crush a valentine instead of waiting for someone to send me a giant teddy bear, or a box of chocolates and flowers? Because sometimes people don’t see what’s in front of them, and sometimes when you want something to happen you need to pursue it for yourself. In getting up the guts and confidence to send this valentine, I realized I could be making a huge mistake. And then I realized something: maybe this didn’t have to be about me. In other words, it didn’t have to be a “love note confession.” It could simply be a confession to an individual, that another individual was simply thinking about them. And that’s why I followed through with the idea. I kept it short, simple and sweet. I tried to make it less about me and tried my absolute best to not make it corny. (God knows I tried my very best.) Unfortunately, things like this don’t always happen so it does look a bit corny at times. But I don’t have any regrets about making someone's day, and you shouldn’t either, even if it may put you in a weird awkward situation.
Oh vulnerability, thanks for being the most horrible and at the same time, the most beautiful thing we can have in our lives. I am beginning to realize just how awesome you are. And to the one I left the valentine for, if you are reading this I hope the valentine made your day. I don’t expect you to come looking for me like a hopeless romantic. I just want you to look closely at those around you. Let people in, and have them get to know you. Recognize your worth, knowing that there is someone out there who thinks you are so incredibly handsome! God, I hope you realize that!