The difference between sensitivity and empathy is the general delicacy of one's emotions and how controversial topics impact a person. We live in a period of time in which controversies pop up left and right. For example, we are now coming to the end of an election year, one in which the country was extremely divided. Our views are constantly being challenged, and how we react to it says a lot about us both individually, and as a society. Now, i'm not here to talk about politics, because I think we all have heard enough about that. I am here to talk about sensitivity versus empathy in modern day society.
The most difficult thing for us to understand as humans is the concept of empathy. The general idea that we should try to understand and relate with the feelings of another person is foreign to us, because to be quite honest, we are a selfish species. We tend to coddle ourselves and our views. We only want to hear what we think is right and what is compatible with our own views. Any other information is wrong, and we know it, because it's just different, so it has to be wrong. The problem today is that people approach challenges to their views with a defensive front, using sensitivity as a shield. They silence the person challenging their views out of stubbornness with their sensitivity shield high and mighty. The outcome of this is, and always will be, the division of people. Because how can we practice empathy if we cannot even listen to others?
I understand that hearing something different than what you believe can be frustrating, and almost painful to some, but one day you could learn something from someone that you had never even thought about; something that could alter your world view. Or perhaps you could learn something that strengthens your view now, which is completely fine too! The strongest arguments made by a person contain knowledge of the several opposing viewpoints.
I'm not perfect, and empathy is just as difficult for me as it is for you. I would like to recognize that not all people are the same. Not all people lack empathy, and not all people are selfish and stubborn. I commend those of you that practice empathy in your everyday lives. Share that ability to empathize with others! Because a single person can make a difference, and empathy can be taught.