I get the movement for equality. I get the movement for accepting everyone and everything. I get that we are trying to make progress to a better world, but some of you need to be stopped.
You're taking it too far. We went from trying to accept things to everyone becoming highly sensitive to everything! I can't even address a group of people as "guys" or "dudes" without being told that I'm not being "inclusive." I literally address my mom as "dude" sometimes. It should NOT be THAT deep.
I just want to know how we got so sensitive as a society. I mean, y'all are even going after Santa Claus! Santa Claus!!! Like you guys really went there.
Oops, I referred to you all as "guys." I'm not sorry.
And I get that this might come off as ignorant, but it's really not. I just think that we should not get overly sensitive about everything in the world.
For example, don't ruin someone's gender reveal, because it doesn't fit to what you want. I get that you might not want to label everyone into a specific "gender" before their born, but if you actually want to accept everyone, maybe you should accept that others will not agree with you on everything.
I don't think that someone being excited about having a little boy or a little girl is a bad thing. Them being excited about the gender does not mean that if their child grows up wanting to be another gender or not classified as a specific gender overall, that they won't accept that.
Not everyone wants to be in a box, and that's what a lot of people are trying to promote. Though, when you do one thing, the same people that don't want to label, are the first ones to.
I am all for being inclusive and being accepting, but I'm not for the sensitivity that everyone has indulged in and the tip-toeing around conversations.
So when you get “triggered" by something, think about why it's “triggering" you. Think about why the other person might not understand. Think about if it's reasonable to even get “triggered."
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