I have been here and I totally get it. You are nervous about making a decision that plans out the rest of your life. What should you major in? Where should you go? What if your roommate is mean? What if you realize its not for you? First advice, stop. Stop worrying about what could go wrong with your decision when there isn't a wrong one.
I overthought the college picking process a lot. I stepped foot on the campus I knew I wanted to go to. I still toured the school three times to be sure. I was so nervous about choosing the wrong school and messing my whole future up. Then I realized, there is no wrong decision when I am the one making it. You are the one who knows best about yourself. Your parents aren't going to school there, you are. Your boyfriend or girlfriend isn't picking the location from home, you need to. The person who needs to be happy when it comes to your future is yourself, stop allowing others to decide your fate. Trust in the journey. Trust in the path you are deciding to take. Trust in yourself that you can do it. Get over the fear and stress of where to go, when you can be successful anywhere you decide to be happy.
Leaving home was the most terrifying part for me. I am very family oriented and close with my friends back home, so thinking about being far from them was scary. I had to realize, that they will be there when I get back. Your family always there. They loved you at home, they love you when you're gone, and they will love you when you return. As for the friends, part of growing up is drifting away. The friends you're suppose to stay close with, will be there too. It will be like nothing changed when you see them. You will feel sad and homesick at first, absolutely. Being afraid of the unknown is normal and seeing social media full of people having fun where you're comfortable at most will you even more sad. It WILL get better though. I promise. You will become more happy with where you are. You will make peace and become content with being away.
For as outgoing as I am, I actually was scared to meet new people. I have awesome friends back home, but I was scared that I wouldn't find any friends here. Be yourself, and I promise you'll be fine. As cliche as it sounds, that really is the trick. Cool thing about college is there is so many places to meet people. Get involved, get out of your room, and leave the door open. This also goes for roommates. Ive heard all the horror stories before moving in about how people hated their roommate. Mine became a best friend of mine. It is possible to like who you live with. Don't fear what you can't control! This doesn't mean you have to replace your friends back home, but its okay to find quality friendships at school too! In fact, its recommended.
College is scary. The future is scary. Its normal to be afraid of what's ahead. A bible verse I live by is Proverbs 31:25 "She is clothed with strength and dignity and she can laugh without fear of the future." To me, this means that you are strong and no matter what life throws you, you can handle it. Laugh and enjoy life in this moment, because you don't know what lies ahead. Don't be afraid of what isn't in your hands. Be confident in the decisions you make, trust your gut and heart, and college is already looking up.