Seniors, You Will Receive An Invitation To Another Party | The Odyssey Online
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Seniors, You Will Receive An Invitation To Another Party

Embark on to better things, graduating seniors!

Seniors, You Will Receive An Invitation To Another Party
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You step out of the car with a complete sense of euphoria because you can't believe the scene in front of you. You have just arrived to the most unbelievable party of the entire century. The place is slightly overcrowded with faces you've never seen before and you can't seem to help falling victim to apprehension. Now you're feeling somewhat insecure and as a normal human response, you either position some loose hair tinsels behind your ear or nervously rub the back of your neck. You start to maneuver to the nearest corner, but just as you are about to approach your destination, a random person stops you and flashes a quick smile. Your first instinct is to smile back. "I've never seen you around before. Here, would you like something to drink?" the person offers. Because this person was brave enough to speak to you first and indirectly remove your fear, you are feeling more comfortable and definitely a lot more confident. With this new feeling, you take advantage of the night and camouflage amongst the other party goers. The music is blaring and you know you're going to suffer from your decision in the morning. But hey, who could pass up an epic party like this? Just as quickly as the party started is just as quickly as it ends. You have to admit, after a few hours, you were wondering when it was going to be over too. But do you know the worst part? You wish for the party to be over only to awake the following morning wishing you could relive it all over again. But, you wipe your hands clean of all of your worries because you realize that you will receive another invitation to attend another remarkable party. And this graduating seniors, in essence, is how to sum up your entire high school career.

You may all be overly anxious and excited about graduating now, but do you remember how you felt almost four years ago? You all stepped into the same place and were filled with happiness about attending high school. There was no more middle school and you knew some of the old rules wouldn't apply now. Middle school was your home and high school was the party. You had newly obtained freedom from your parents and a thirst for adventure - you were wondrous and prepared to try everything deemed to be new. Some of you came to high school with a few friends, but nevertheless, you all were surrounded by unfamiliar faces. You were one little person in what seemed to be a humongous crowd and that in itself can be a little overwhelming. So you're overcome with nervous tension. Wherever you turn, there is someone or something right there. As a freshman, that can be a little scary and even more nerve wracking because you feel alone and maybe even somewhat invisible. And then, someone comes up to you and greets you with a smile or a wave or an actual proper greeting, and suddenly, you don't feel so alone anymore. Someone has recognized your presence and made you feel more comfortable, more confident, and definitely more prepared to embark on this journey.

The inception of high school is probably the best time of your four-year career because most of your time can be allotted to having fun and being around your new friends. Just as a party is hype in the beginning, there comes a time when it eventually must end. Some people begin to crash and burn while others still manage to be the life of the party, but still, the party ends eventually. And just as fast as a party ends is just as fast as high school ends. When the end of high school approaches, you all will become reminiscent of the memories shared. And when it is actually over, you all will wish to have certain aspects of it back in your presence. Fortunately, you all have received an invitation to another party. Unfortunately, you all will not be attending the same one. And as you all go further in your lives, you will receive more invitations and I am sure you all will become guests at the same event once again. Congratulations to all graduating seniors, on to bigger and better things!

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