Dear Seniors,
First of all, if you haven't heard it lately, congratulations on making it to senior year. Four years of undergrad is a rollercoaster. Not only are you making your way through the most prevalent years of finding yourself, but you're also trying to make it through school, most likely broke, and attempting to pave the path for your career. Sometimes though, that path takes a bit longer than some of your peers. And, I personally know that can be frustrating when you make it to the homestretch.
It's about that time of the semester where it's all final exams and graduation ceremonies. Which can be really tough when you're at year four and imagined that this would be the time you'd be walking with your friends. But, not everything works out the way you plan, for different reasons, I'd like to think, for good reasons. Well, you're not alone, If you're anything like myself, you changed majors halfway through college and decided to double major on top of that... putting yourself over one extra semester.
This really bothered me at first, thinking that I'd be graduating in December but not relishing in the moment or success until the following May. I even hid when my school held convocation, I didn't want to face the peers I sat next to for four years in fear that I'd have to admit I wasn't graduating yet. I even planned that maybe I'd disconnect social media for the month of May, because of the disappointment and even envy I'd feel seeing everyone in their caps and gowns, something I pictured for myself.
But, I realize it's not actually that big of a deal. Because six more months and none of that will actually even matter. I will still have my degree, I will still (hopefully) get a job in my field and I will still be just as successful. I mean, what are timelines? I've come to this realization that the point of time in which you accomplish something is irrelevant as long as you're happy, and learning something along the way.
A lot of my peers are even years older then me who will walk with me, it DOES not matter. When you're still accomplishing a personal goal, timing means nothing. It does not take away the significance of everything you have worked for.
So, if you're sitting here throwing a pity party like I was, STOP! Knock that off. Because 1) Summer break is here and 2) There is still a light at the end of the tunnel. The end is coming and soon when you're removed from this chapter in your life these feelings will feel silly. Also, YOU ARE STILL GRADUATING! Just in your own time, which is how it should be. So congratulate your friends on their accomplishment and remember semesters fly by and soon enough that will be you, and it will feel that much better when you have your diploma in hand.