To my last first week of school,
It's crazy to think that after 17 years of schooling, you're finally here. I feel like just yesterday I was sitting in my mom's lap, crying about starting high school. I never really thought this day would come, to be honest. I saw college graduation as a far off milestone in my life that I had so much time to prepare for. I clearly overestimated the time I had because here you are and here I am, just as unprepared as ever.
I always thought I'd have it all together at this point. I looked at college seniors as grown ups who were organized, mature, and wise. I look around me now and realize that most of us are none of those three things. We're emotional, flustered, and still make stupid mistakes (especially on Thursday nights). I only know a small handful of people who seem like they have their shit together, and most of them are just really good at faking it.
I also realize now that we aren't supposed to have it all together at this point. We're still allowed to make mistakes and we're still allowed to binge on pizza at three in the morning after six-too-many margaritas. It's okay for us to desperately hold on to every moment we can and cherish the times where we totally feel like college students.
For this week and this semester, I hope you challenge me and I hope you give me a break when I need it. I hope I get everything possible out of these last few classes, and I hope I pull pointless all-nighters with my friends just because. I hope I get plenty of As, but also plenty of drinks. You see, this semester has the unique job of both making me feel like an adult and a reckless student, all at the same time. I want to start getting my life together, but also, balance that with just enough crazy nights.
This semester will be full of finding new friendships and strengthening old friendships. It will bring me exciting new experiences and give me the chance to say my final goodbyes to old ones. There will hopefully be ups, and there will certainly be downs. No matter what happens, I thank this semester in advance for making me a stronger person and for helping me grow up. It will definitely be hard, but it will be more than worth it in the end.
To my last first week, I hope I never forget you. I wish more than anything that you set me up for the best semester yet, and that everything goes off without a hitch. Most importantly, I hope that at some point, I truly realize that this isn't an end, but merely the beginning.
Thank you for everything.
A College Senior