As the school year begins to show it's face once again, so does the world of sorority recruitment. Many long hours will be spent at the house practicing and perfecting chants, with no end in sight. Don't even get me started on actual recruitment week. Running on basically zero hours of sleep, having to look picture perfect every day, and still trying to keep up with classes and homework. The whole process sometimes seems like it is unnecessary, and as your years as an active go on, it becomes more and more daunting.
The thing is, it's true, a lot of parts of recruitment suck. Yes, you're not sleeping enough and are tired of having to be peppy for hours on end. But, believe it or not, you'll probably miss it one day. Before you roll your eyes and give a resounding "as if", hear me out. I don't actually think you're going to long for the endless days and sweaty hallways filled with overwhelming chants, but take a second and think about what recruitment is really all about.
It's likely that as a senior you won't even be doing much recruiting, meaning that you already aren't having to do a whole lot. So, take this week to take a step back and think about why you really joined your chapter in the first place. Recruitment and all the practices that come with it is literally just one long excuse to hang out with all the girls you've become best friends with over the past three years. On top of that, you're already forced to wear cute outfits anyways so it's also the perfect excuse to take some extra cute Instagram pics. Best of all, you have your Bid Day to look forward to.
Make the most of the time you have left with your sisters. Formals are fun, but there's no other time that you'll bond with the girls around you than during the week of recruitment. You won't even know how much you miss it until it's all over.