If you are graduating at the end of this semester, you may be experiencing what is commonly known as senioritis. Don't worry! This experience of simultaneously hating school and dreading its end, combined with a lack of motivation, and a fear of life after graduation are a very common phenomenon for most college seniors. Here to explain some of the many symptoms of senioritis are the cast of the Big Bang Theory. Let's take a look!
1. You are crazily excited about graduating and finally completing this part of your life.
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2. Similarly, you are crazily nervous about graduating and what life after graduation might be like.
3. You are finding yourself more and more distracted when trying to be productive.
4. You alternate between motivation toward homework...
5. And totally giving up on it.
6. You are functioning on complete and utter exhaustion level 100% of the time.
7. Sometimes the stress is too much and you just need to let it out.
8. Half of the time it seems like the semester is flying by.
9. The other half of the time, it seems to be moving as slowly as possible.
10. You become very excited when you actually have the mental capacity to be productive.
11. You will cross anyone who gets in the way of you making it to graduation.
12. And basically, you are just done with all of it.
So, keep your head up! You've almost made it to the end, and you can do this!