For those of us who love 'The Office,' here's to senior year, the year that comes at us out of nowhere.
You can't believe that you're actually a senior
Thinking about if you'll have your life together in a few months
The thought of having your life together in a few months scares you a little.
Painfully sitting through senior portraits
Smiling through the pain.
Your course work actually adds up and sometimes that means missing out on plans with younger friends
You face the stress of interviews and job searching
You've edited your resume more times that you can count
Seeing freshman dress up for class baffles you
The struggle to go out every Thursday and day of the weekend is real
But you still look for a reason to go out whenever you can during the week
Margarita Mondays, tequila Tuesdays, and wine Wednesdays all the way
The true unmotivation to do any work is real
The thought of leaving your friends in a few months gets you extra emotional
You're so used to seeing your best friends every day that the thought of it not being the same in a few short months upsets you.
But you're able to smile looking back on all the memories you've made the past 4 years
While the years seemed to go by way too fast, you can at least look back knowing you'll miss those years the most.