1. Not wanting to leave home because it was so wonderful.
2. Missing the free alcohol & food.
3. Wishing the next week or so would fly by so you could become a 2nd semester senior.
4. Not bothering to unpack because you're leaving to go back home so soon.
5. Not bothering to clean your room or get dressed most days.
6. Putting your strength and effort into drinking wine, coffee, and working on term papers.
7. Making excuses for why you can't do the last one.
8. Waking up every morning in a complete panic because you realize how far behind you are.
9. Realizing how many things are due before the end of term.
10. Attempting to make a plan as if you are actually going to put effort into your work.
11. Considering dropping out because college doesn't matter, right?
12. Remembering your large amount of debt.
13. Which gives you a renewed sense of enthusiasm to finish that work.
14. Making a plan to finish everything, so that you get some credit at least...
15. Which also may not even happen.
16. The panic of finishing senior thesis.
17. Getting pissed when you have other papers you have to write... while senior thesis is clearly not close to completion.
18. Worrying about failure because of your future and all
19. Cursing yourself for not doing more over Thanksgiving.
20. Finishing everything last minute with half effort and being happy its over.
21. Loving your last class & last assignment of the semester.
22. Realizing you can't change the outcome because its done.
23. Finding that it is a scary and awesome thing that you have 1 semester of college left.
24. Getting your final grades online and breathing a sigh of relief.
25. Realizing you may just do semi decent in life as an adult.