Dear Analee,
You did it! It has been a journey, and trust me when I say that it is only the beginning. This year, you will learn so much about yourself, about others, and about what is important to you. Oh, and a lot in school, too… a lot.
There will be sleepless nights where editing and typing and problem-solving will drain every little bit of you. It will be worth it, though, that exact moment when you receive your diploma and proceed to throw your cap into the air. Also, know that school and grades are not everything. Yes, they are important, but don't get so caught up in it all. A failed math test may bring you down, or the fact that those Spanish tests were so confusing to you will anger you, but a few months later, you will not even remember what they were about. It is okay to fail and to expect more from yourself, but you should know that you are brilliant and just learning from your mistakes. Expect the best from yourself and strive to be that excellent student that you wish to be, but don't overdo it, either.
Some people might leave, while others will stay forever, but the most important people will remain by your side, no matter where they are or what they do. You will know exactly who they are (but I will not spoil anything for you yet). It's okay to make mistakes with people; you are not perfect and neither are they. You deserve respect and love, so find the people who give you that and don't let anybody bring you down. Everybody wants to smile and be happy, so don't take that away from anybody, and don't let anybody take that from you.
Your family will always be there for you. Through those sleepless nights and those falling tears, but also through the laughs and the tales of what will be your senior year. Trust them, for they always know what's best for you.
I said I wouldn't spoil anything, but spoil I will: it will all turn out fantastically. You will graduate with great grades and amazing friends, family, and teachers, and you will do everything that you set your mind on doing. You will get into college— it was ridiculous of you to think you would not.
All of the worries and the tears will be worth it. They will make those moments in which you laugh with your friends until your guts hurt even better, and those 60% grades seem like you are a genius. All of the ups will make up for those few downs that you will have (maybe more than a few, but don't worry about that yet). You will have the time of your life! Cherish every moment. All of those days when class seemed to never end, you will miss. All of those recesses and lunches with your friends, you will miss. The teachers that pushed you through it all and cheered you on, you will miss. So enjoy it while you have it. It's only the beginning, so don't ever think it is coming to an end.
With lots of love,
Your college freshman self.