Am I the only one that expected their senior year of high school to end up like High School Musical?
If your senior year of high school is not as great as you thought it would be, you aren't alone. I had always heard things like, "Your senior year is going to be one of the best years of your life!" I had all of these expectations for senior year, and it did not live up to a single expectation that I had.
Senior year is stressful, despite what everyone says. It is a year of applying for colleges and scholarships. For some students, it is a year of taking college classes on top of high school classes. It is a time in your life when you realize that you aren't a kid anymore. The responsibilities start to pile on, and it can get overwhelming.
Everyone else seemed to be enjoying their senior year, and I felt like I was doing something wrong. However, after talking to some seniors this year, I realize that they are stressed out like I was. The best thing to do is push through it, and to know that you aren't alone. You have made it through four years of high school, and it will all be over soon. Try to make the most of the time that you have left at your high school. Build relationships with your classmates that you normally don't talk to. Try out for a new sport. Get involved in school activities.
I know that this whole article is talking about how senior year is stressful, and you are probably thinking, "How is that going to make it any better?" Well, getting involved in things at school will help you get your mind off of the things that are stressing you out, and they will make your senior year more enjoyable and memorable.