The past four years have honestly been a blur. Good times, bad times, stressed times, broke times, more stressed times. The end is so close yet so far away and you're constantly torn between being excited and sad. And who better to describe all of your thoughts better than the one, the only, the cast of Friends.
Try as you might, your pick up lines, your DMs, they mean nothing. It's been four years and you still have no game.
You would do just about anything for money. Sell your plasma, sell your friend's plasma, sell all of your clothes, volunteer yourself to the school's research department. Anything to get money from anyone.
You're tired. You're exhausted. You're burned out. You can't think anymore. You reaaaalllly want to just drop out and live in a box. But you can't. Because you're so close to the end.
You wake up everyday and question your intelligence. You can barely take care of yourself let alone other people.
You feel like everyone around you is accomplishing all these great things! Like they're really doing big things with their life. Meanwhile, you're eating pizza for dinner for the fourth night in a row.
Sometimes laying around is just truly more worth going to the gym.
When all of your ideas go to shambles and you feel like your life is falling apart... and you're only in your 20s.
Anytime anyone asks you what you're doing after graduation you want to take a fork to your eyes.
And you can only hope by the time you put that cap and gown on, you'll be past all of the worry.