The epic creation that is Gilmore Girls has always been nothing if not inspiring and relatable. As a senior in college with a constant obligation to caffeine and only enough time between responsibilities to babble expeditiously, the relevance of the show has only increased since its ending in 2007. Queue the happy dances, ladies and gentleman, because the quirky, relatable residents of Stars Hollow are back and ready to get us through the year! Be sure to grab some snacks and binge watch the four part series on Friday, November 25...mostly so I know I'm not the only one with too much excitement and too little self control. In honor of one of the greatest shows to ever hit our television sets coming to Netflix this week, here's 22 times Gilmore Girls perfectly explained senior year of college.
1. Starting off the year by keeping the goals pretty realistic
Achieving that 'goes-consistently-to-the-gym-without-actually-going' look, that 'completed-all-responsibilities-without-actually-doing-any-work''s senior year, folks, and it's safe to say our morale is at an all time high.
2. Starting to accept the weak wifi just the way it is
Let's face it, the internet's been slow for the past 1171 days, it's not speeding up anytime soon. Might as well channel our inner Gilmore and make light of the situation, right?
3. Knowing that laundry is still best when done at home, where it's free.
4. Coming home after a long day of internship
Suddenly stepping into the life of a nine to five job really provides you with a certain looks pretty much like this.
5. Tackling senior thesis like...
When you've got a thirty page paper due Friday and no time to do it, there doesn't seem to be much room in your vocabulary besides "suck"...well, perhaps maybe just a few more choice words.
6. When you find a fellow cranky senior like yourself...
Although we'll all agree to make the best of senior year, when times are tough and the reality of adulthood is looming, it's nice to find a fellow Oscar the Grouch to vent to.
7. When the mortifying realization hits that you won't be able to see your friends everyday next year...
*Panic sings at the top of lungs* "PLEASE DON'T EVER LEAVE ME!!!!" Seriously, though. We're all getting jobs in the same area and living together forever, right? RIGHT???
8. When someone mentions the 'G' word
There will be no graduation talk, here, hear me?? I will have NONE of it!
9. When the stress starts catching up with you...
The anxiety of senior year can be exceptionally when the caffeine is becoming too much for your shaky shell of stress, a Rory-sized breakdown is bound to ensue.
10. And a Mental Health Day sounds so good right about now...
As a rule of thumb, it's best to always listen to Lorelai Gilmore. If she tells you that today is the day to get back in your pajamas, go to bed, and eat nothing but junk food, then it's basically against the law not to listen to her.
11. The dating pool is still a giant question mark
You've been around this place for four years, and yet...the dating game still has you running in circles. Small school, big school, it doesn't seem to matter. The common denominator is that everyone's confusing and nothing makes sense.
12. The motto of senior year:
Our most commonly used phrase as seniors. I'm telling you, it's the perfect comment for every occasion.
13. There's only one form of therapy that works without fail, every time...
Point me to a college senior who doesn't squeal at the sight of a furry, four-legged K-9 friend. You would be pointing to someone who's more or less dead inside.
14. Okay, there's also Thursday nights, too...
Thursday nights. The internship week is over, and the weekend is at our fingertips...time to hit the bars, folks.
15. And Friday nights...
Some nights are just required to include eight shots of tequila and an embarrassingly honest toast. This is what Friday nights are for.
16. Annnnd Saturday nights...
Listen, fellow fake's senior year, we're all legal here, and Saturdays are for relaxing after a long week of hard work. And by relaxing I mean dancing on tables and sing-shouting "Ignition" at the top of our lungs beside our friends.
17. Losing track of your dignity and responsibilities like...
Responsibilities are wieldy little fellas. Lose your grip for a second and they are long gone. Just ask Luke.
18. When people start asking you what your five year plan is...
19. When your college years start slipping away...
The denial is starting to wear, guys, things are getting way too serious, here.
20. Graduation is very serious business...
Honestly, I'm not here to think about how much debt I'm going to be in. I just came for the diploma and the tassel shift.21. Whelp, time to face it. You're a real adult now.
Where is the lie...someone please find the lie for me.
22. You're ending the year with an even more realistic goal...
Paris, truer words have never been spoken. All we really want in our endeavor of life is to have the ability to look back and then look forward without feeling too nauseous.