Senior Year. The ultimate year that is a permanent excuse to get away with anything and everything. This includes but is not limited to: going out on a Monday after chapter because you recently found out that Sagebrush has $1 margaritas to not going to class because you know soon you'll actually have to show up to work every single day once your tassel is moved from left to right or right to left or however the hell it works.
Depending on how your class schedule and major selection works out, senior year can last anywhere from 1-3 years based on how much effort you put into changing your major and telling your parents:
"I just really can't pick a major because knowledge shouldn't be limited to one simple pathway of life"
When really you're just trying to be the last one to leave the party so you don't have to enter the ultimate, everlasting hangover that is adulthood.
For things we cannot understand fully, though, we always have Bob's Burgers and his family to help us get through senior year(s) and make the most of it.
Showing up to the first week of classes and making those syllabi your b*tch.
Totally making Dean's List this semester.
You're two weeks into the semester. You've already missed three classes, a pop quiz, and dropped a class that you need to graduate.
No one tell my mom.
You calm yourself. You've been winging your entire college career, why stop now? Then your advisor says there might be a "problem" with your schedule, and that you shouldn't have dropped that class.
Never fear, you'll sweet talk her into working it out.
Not only have you overcome the nightmare of the dropped class, but you realize despite the odds of senior year apathy, your grades aren't too shabby and you might even be able to scrape by to get a college degree!
*secretly so proud of myself*
It's finally November, which means you're only a few weeks out from Thanksgiving Break, and ultimately Christmas Break.
You can do this.
Then you realize that holiday breaks mean family harassing you about what you want to do with your life, why you have still yet to have a boyfriend for the entirety of your life, and if you've sent out any more job applications.
Sh*t. Pass the wine.
Senior year man. Not for the weak.