To the high school senior who can't wait to leave,
Spring break is almost here, which means you're on the last leg of your high school career.
You're close to being done. You're close to walking across the stage and holding the piece of paper you've worked so hard for for the past four years. You're close to saying goodbye to some of your best friends and leaving behind memories, both good and bad.
Don't wish these next few months away too quickly, though. Pretty soon you'll be living on your own, with only pictures of your friends from high school and occasional phone calls from your mom and dad. You may think you're ready to leave behind either the past four years of your life, but you shouldn't be in a rush.
Appreciate the moments that you have in your classes with those you grew up with. Appreciate your extracurricular activities, even when they feel pointless. Don't stress over exams, but still do your best.
By now, students are probably wearing their future school's colors with pride. If you haven't made your decision, don't stress out. You have time. Don't rush your decision, make sure it's the right one. Choose the place that makes YOU happy, don't base your decision off anyone else. College is the time to be independent and grow as an individual, start off on the right foot by choosing a place that you can envision yourself living in for the next four years.
After high school, things change. There are certain people you'll never see again, certain subjects you'll never miss, and harder decisions you'll have to make. Keep your head up and keep working hard.
You're living on your own and off to bigger and better things, but that doesn't mean you need to forget about your friends back home. Don't forget about the good times you had and all of the memories you made. Believe it or not, there are times you may even look back and miss high school, crazy I know.
You may be worried because you think high school is stressful enough, or maybe you're even ready for a new challenge. Whatever it is, you can do it. College is a chance to start over. You're awarded a blank slate, and you're free to fill it however you choose. Get involved in a new club, meet new people, expand your horizons. You'll be grateful four years later when you're faced with graduation again.
Whatever you choose to do with your last few months of high school, don't have regrets. Make the most out of your last few months, and appreciate every moment. College is great, but high school is an experience too.
A college freshman