Its that time of year were we all lose our motivation and wonder why we put ourselves through the stress we call school. There are just a few weeks left in the semester and finals are creeping up quickly. You've gotten away with minimum effort up to this point in the semester but now everything is due all at once as if professors are all in cahoots trying to test your mental stability and sanity and you're just done.
As it gets colder and darker outside, it seems that the magnet in your bed magically becomes stronger making it harder and harder to get up in the morning. Leaving your house is becoming a chore because hot tea and Netflix are so much more attractive than that weird shade of gray outside and misty rain that makes your hair frizz and your face sting. How can you be motivated to go to class when it looks like that outside? And on the rare day that it doesn't look like that you better take advantage because there aren't many nice days left.
With the Holiday's around the corner you would rather spend your time out Christmas shopping than studying for finals. Honestly, you'd rather be doing virtually anything besides studying because at this point you really don't care anymore. You probably don't get that feeling of guilt in the pit of your stomach while procrastinating anymore, and you don't even feel a little shame for calculating out the minimum grade you need on each assignment to still get the grade you want in the class, or even just to pass.
Every year you hear the word senioritis over and over but this is the first time that you're the one saying it. Pretty soon your school career will be over so you want to spend your time hanging out with your friends and having fun.
You think to yourself, "I'm so done with school. I've worked hard for the past 15 years to get where I am, I deserve a break."
Its a familiar feeling every year but this year is a little different. Not only do you not want finals to come because you aren't mentally emotionally or physically prepared for the test anxiety that most of us face, but finals week also means the end of the semester. Before you know it, its going to be your last semester and you have no idea what you're doing with your life, you're so ready to be done but also don't want to deal with graduation yet. But you made it this far, you'll figure it out... when you absolutely have to. Until then, I'll just snuggle up with my blanket and Netflix waiting for May because I have a case of senioritis.